Chapter 66

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Peter's POV

"Stay close to the ground? What is he talking about? At least Izetta was a bit more open..." I wanted to do more. I was ready for it! I knew I was. I just needed to show them. 

I paused as I saw something on the lawn of one of the houses I'd been pulled by. I walked over, finding a piece of one of their weapons! I carefully turned it over. "Whoa..." There was a strange purple glowing thing inside of it. My phone started ringing again. It was Ned.

"Hey, man, what's up? I'm on my way back."

"Actually, I was calling to say maybe you shouldn't come. Listen to this." I could hear Flash on the other end.

"When I say 'penis,' you say 'Parker.' Penis!"



"Parker!" I grumbled a little. Great. Thanks, Flash...

"Sorry, Peter. I guess we're still losers. I'll see you tomorrow." I sighed.

"I'll see you tomorrow in school." I hung up and carefully lifted the weapon. There were a bunch of metal and wires encasing the glowing core thingy. I reached to call Izetta, but then I stopped. I got an idea. If I can figure this thing out on my own... I grinned. I can prove I'm ready! I know Izetta told me to call her...but this thing can't be too dangerous, right? It's not like it's a Stark weapon. It'll be fine! I just need to get the core thingy out and then we'll go from there! Don't worry, Izetta. I'll take care of this for both of us!

Izetta's POV

I was still working on seeing if I could trace any signals from the energy source of the Chitauri weapons. It was exhausting as I kept coming up with nothing. I groaned, my face falling into my hands.

"Where's Banner when you need him? Uhg..." I took in a deep breath. "Okay, let's see. If I can analyze the power type and reconfigure it into my own suits systems, I might be able to go on some different reconisence flights to track-"

"Izetta." I stopped. A chill went up my spine. 

"...How are you here?"

"It's not very hard to find you." I frowned.

"I thought you didn't want to see me again."

"Oh no, you took my words the wrong way." I growled a little. 

"Wrong way? What way was I supposed to take them?"

"All I said was I didn't want you to return to Asgard." I growled more.

"And? That's supposed to welcome me back?" I hissed, finally facing him. I was shocked as I saw what was in his hands. "What? No. How did you get-?"

"My scepter? Well...I have my ways, as you know, Darling." I was stunned.

"No...that means...Vision. What did you do!?" I yelled, but the blade pressed against me. He chuckled. It was a sickening sound. It held no remorse or love. It made me gag internally. I hated it. 

"What I had to. I need to make you understand again. It was simple once I realized that. So I figured that this was the perfect way to bring you back." I backed away, but I hit the counter. I swiflty reached for my bracelet, but he caught my hand. He smirked. "Oh, Darling, you still think you're stronger than me?"

"Get away from me! You're a monster!"

"That's not what you said when last we spoke." He suddenly kissed me, but it was fowl. I punched him with my other hand. He stumbled back as I wiped my lips.

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