Chapter 33

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Izetta's POV

Loki and I had been getting closer and closer. Nine months we'd been together. I loved every moment I got with him and Asgard was really starting to feel like a place I would be okay with staying at. It wasn't home, that was true, but it was pretty close to it. I liked bringing my Midgardian spice to their culture, as always, but I was really starting to be accepted as Asgardian. I still stayed true to my promise to remain as myself, though. Nothing would ever get me to adapt to their accent and I still did things my way when I wanted to.

Speaking of which, that fact brought a very interesting dynamic between me and my mischievous lover. The two of us bounced off each other perfectly. While we did have certain disagreements, both of us loved going at it at times. The playful push and shove were what we adored. Actual fights were honestly rare. In fact, we'd never had a truly serious one. We both just loved being together. That's all that mattered.

However, today, he was pretty busy, so I was left to hang out with only myself. I wanted to train with my blades. I had a special gear set for if my suit was ever not an option. I had invented them myself and Loki had been very impressed with my ingenuity. He hadn't expected me to be so good at it only having spent one year with Tony, but, if I haven't mentioned it already, I'm a fast learner.

The entire day I spent practicing different moves, creating new ones, and even battling with some of the other guards who were interested in sparring. Most rookies trained a lot. I was a good opponent for them since my style was so wild and spur of the moment. It was a good way for all of us to learn new skills.

I was in my hybrid form when, performing his usual rounds as 'Odin' did (which the real Odin had before, so Loki copied him, of course), he came to overview how training was going and he spotted me. I smirked a little and decided to show off.

"Come on, boys, give a lady a challenge!" A few of the spunkier ones were eager to prove themselves as they also noticed 'Odin' was watching. I fought five of them at once and I was easily able to evade them. No offense to the boys, but I was a lot faster than them for a few reasons. Their styles and heavier armor were a bit sluggish at times. It only took a few minutes for me to claim a victory. However, they did better than I thought they would. Some of the older soldiers laughed.

"Might need a bit more training before going up against her, don't you think, boys?" Fandral called, having been one of the surveying soldiers for the day. A bunch of them laughed and I saw 'Odin' smile from where he stood. I smiled back at him, a quick exchange that only the two of us saw.

'Odin' left soon enough and I went back to training. That day, I wanted my body to burn. I wanted to feel the thrill of the fight, even if it wasn't a true battle. I still enjoyed it regardless.

At the end of the day, I trudged back to my room. I was exhausted and I needed some time to relax before going to bed. I stretched and I didn't even bother to change into my human form. I sauntered over to the bathroom and used my tail to turn on the tub. I had a very big bathroom since I was both treated nicely by the real Odin (well, when I first arrived) and I kinda needed it for my Amalgamate form. My bathtub was almost like a mini pool when I was in my human form. I loved it and I was very thankful for it.

I slipped inside, relaxing in the warm water. I wriggled around a little bit just to really feel and enjoy the water. I loved water. It always felt so nice and I felt natural in it. Although, I bet that's not a surprise. 

After a moment, I let myself get comfortable and completely submerged myself. I could actually stay under for a long time. Holding my breath was something I was very good at. It was also an advantage in a fight if somebody ever tried to choke me. Of course, being choked could raise other issues aside from lack of air, but you get the idea.

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