Chapter 69

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Izetta's POV

I heard a beeping. My eyes opened, feeling puffy, swollen, and stiff. I squinted at the light above me. I took in a deep breath, realizing how sore my body felt. I feel like I got hit by a bus and then thrown over a cliff. Ugh...what the hell happened?

I groaned slightly as I shifted a bit. Suddenly, there was a hand in mine. My brows furrowed as my eyes drifted over, unable to turn my head too comfortably at the moment.

"Kid! Oh, thank God... I was so worried. You can't do that to me. My heart's been through enough scares with you." I started to grin as I realized who it was.

"Hey, Dad. Sorry...was just practicing for Halloween. Or would April Fools be better?" He chuckled a little, but I could tell it was more of a laugh of pure joy that I was okay. He stood up and kissed my forehead.

"You're insane." 

"Learned from you, old man."

"How many times have I told you that I'm a bad influence?"

"This would be the first, actually."

"Oh, come-" He sighed heavily. "Whatever. I'm glad you're okay." I groaned again.

"More or less...what happened?" 

"You risked your ass for Peter and he pulled you out of the rubble. You called me and I had to take you to the E.R. flatlined..." I was stunned.

"I died on the table? Shit..." I took a moment to process that. "Damn...and Peter got up from that just fine? Holy shit...that's insane..."

"I think you took the brunt of it for him, Izz." I shook my head as much as I could.

"No, I don't care how hard I got hit. That takes some insane strength. I couldn't even think straight. Wait, is he okay? Where is he now?" I asked.

"He's fine. He stopped the vulture guy...all on his own." I smiled.

"I told you he could do it."

"That's not exactly what I remember you saying." I chuckled.

"Whatever. Let's get out of here."

"Um, Izz, I don't think you're leaving here for a while-" I used my crystal to start healing myself. I took in a deep relaxing breath after it started working. I sighed, thankful that the pain was mostly gone as relief washed over my body. I was left with a bunch of bruises, but luckily I was alright other than that and being pretty sore. I sat up after using my magic to get rid of the bandages and other crap. Tony stared at me for a moment. "...You couldn't have done that sooner!?" I laughed.

"It only works if I can think straight, Dad!"

"Damn it, Izz!" I laughed again as I swung my legs over the side of the bed.

"Just go get the doctor so I can get out of this place already."

As usual, they had to run a bunch of tests and check over everything since I had been in such a rough shape. Luckily, I had been healing ever since they'd brought me back while I was being brought in. My crystal's powers kicked in somehow and I was stable faster than they expected. Now I was alright and they confirmed that I was perfectly fine. Of course, I was still ordered to take it easy for about a week at least. I told them that wouldn't be a problem as I planned to do the same thing anyway.

I rode with Tony to the new Avengers base. I was going to be staying here for a few days. After all, Tony said he had a lot to fill me in on. I didn't know what that meant, but I was both nervous and curious.

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