Chapter 77

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Loki's POV

After Izetta and I talked, I stayed by myself in the room that I had acquired. I frowned, feeling like I didn't have anything else to say, but wanting to talk to her again. So much had happened, she was right, but I wanted her to understand. I didn't know how I could get her to listen. I assumed I probably couldn't. I had screwed everything up all over again. However, I had known that two years ago...

Then, I was suddenly visited by a bunch of guards. I stood up, facing them somewhat nervously. This could be bad. I was just hoping that I could sneak my way out of whatever was going to happen.

"The Grandmaster wants to see you." I went with them and we were joined by more guards and Scrapper 142. We walked toward the Grandmaster to speak with him. I had a feeling I knew what this was about. It wasn't very hard to guess.

"I'm upset! I'm very upset. You know what I like about being upset? Blame. Right now, that's the mindset that I'm in. And you know who I'm blaming?"

"Grandmaster, I can-"

"Hey, hey! Don't interrupt me!" Topaz tried to hand him his melting staff.

"Here you go."

"I-" He paused. "Why are you handing me the melt stick? He was interrupting. That's not a capital violation." Thank heavens for that... "My precious champion has come up missing and it's all because of that Lord of Thunder. It's all because of him. Your brother, whatever the story is, adopted, or complicated, I'm sure there's a big history," I nodded a little, not exactly thrilled about remembering all that or the fact that he just kind of brushed it off. "and your contender-"

"My dear friend, if you were to give me twelve hours I could bring them both back to you."

"I wasn't finished. Gosh sakes. I was about to say and his little pet too. Anyway, they're gone, and now who's gonna fix it?"

"I could bring all three of them back in two hours," The lady said. I grew nervous, but I answered quickly.

"I could do it in one." He rolled his eyes at us.

"Let's stop there. You know what? I woke up this morning thinking about a public execution." He paused, smiling a bit at the idea. I was uncomfortable. "But for now, I'll settle for this sweet little 'who's gonna get him first?' So, uh, while you're on the clock." He waved us off and we left together. I stopped her as we walked out.

"What have you done?"

"I don't answer to you, lackey." I grabbed her wrist.

"It's Loki. And you will answer to the Grandmaster." She pushed my hand off, and I grabbed her other one. One hit after another and I was struck in the face. She grinned. I got angry, pulling out my dagger.

"Why would you help my brother escape with that green fool? The girl is my concern, but-"

"Oh really? Yeah, she seems to love you. You can sense the dramatic tension a galaxy away. Besides," She pulled out her own dagger. "I don't help anyone." The fight started as I tried to take her down. During our scuffle, I saw the mark on her arm. 

"You're a Valkyrie?" She pushed me off and pinned me against the wall. "I thought the Valkyrie had all died gruesome deaths."

"Choose your next words wisely," She snarled.

"I'm terribly sorry. Must be a very painful memory." I looked into her memories, seeing everything she did. It was, indeed, very dramatic. I pushed her off, a little stunned myself, honestly. Of course, before I could defend myself, she was already attacking and I felt a pain in my head before everything went dark.

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