Chapter 90

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Tony's POV

"Morgan! Come here! I need your help with the fort!"

"Coming, sissy!"

"Here, let's do...there! Now we've expanded our lands! I'll be the fierce guard of the fortress! You're our brave leader!"



"Your leader demands a ride around our lands!" 

"Yes, Your Highness! Your wish is my command!" 

I smiled as I saw the girls playing around the little blanket fort outside. I watched from the deck for a bit as Izetta paraded Morgan around on her back in her Amalgamate form. Sometimes I forgot Izetta could be so gentle in her bigger forms. It also felt strange to be witnessing it. I mean, I had gotten so used to Izetta being what she was, but seeing it with such a normal little girl seemed both strange and beautiful, in a way. 

On that note, Morgan absolutely adored her sister. Izetta was probably the best big sister ever. She loved playing with Morgan and was always spoiling her. She was definitely more of a sister than a mother, which was a good thing since we'd been a little concerned about both versions of the age gap between them. But it wasn't a problem at all. 

She could make Morgan laugh and was always there for her. She was patient and understanding and she always made Morgan feel so special, even though she couldn't do anything that her sister could. Izetta would always praise her for all of the little things. She would encourage her to figure out things for herself and she taught Morgan just as much as we did. They were absolute best friends.

It had been about a year and a half since Izetta had come home. She was doing a lot better. The first half-year had been the hardest. She had really deteriorated fast when she'd first come back. She had frequent nightmares and often hid out in her room. She had just been so lonely. Not to mention she'd barely been eating at all. Morgan had been the only one she would act truly happy around, but even that had started to become a mask. 

We'd started her on medication to help after seeing a professional. She'd also gone to therapy. All of it had really helped after a few months. Now she was on her first couple of weeks of being off the medicine. Her improvements were huge. I was proud of her for sticking with it. Her therapy had also gone from every week to every month. Of course, we'd gone down to every other week first, but now she was truly getting back to her normal self. 

Morgan was laughing and cheering happily as Izetta started running. Of course, she wasn't running very fast, making sure to be careful with her little sister. Morgan held on like she was supposed to. I was proud of both of them. They were such strong girls. I loved them more than anything. I loved all of my girls. It felt good to be a family. It was something I never expected I would have. We really had gotten so insanely lucky.

Soon, Morgan hopped off and disappeared into her 'fortress'. She turned to Izetta before heading inside. Seeing her so proud and confident filled my heart. She was one of a kind, I knew that from the second I first held her in my arms. Izetta had really brought out that side of her now. Everything about our home had become so special and I would do anything to keep it that way.

"Sissy will guard the outside. No trespassers are allowed to enter!" Izetta chuckled before laying down beside the door still in her full form. 

"Of course, Queen Morgan." Morgan crawled inside and I smiled as I walked over to Izetta. Playing her part, she growled a little at me. "Who goes there!? State your name and business, Sir!" I decided to play along.

"Excuse me, I'm King Tony. I have rights to this land, Guard." Izetta chuckled again.

"My apologies, Sire. But these lands belong to Queen Morgan."

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