Chapter 47

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Izetta's POV

I stayed with Tony as we walked together. I was glad that I was able to finally help and understand his struggles. There had been a divide between us and now it was gone. I was happy to have my family back. I'd missed it more than anything. 

"So, you gonna tell me about your issues now?" He asked. I sighed with a smile.

"Should've seen that coming." 

"Come on, Izz. What happened to you? Who was that guy? Why do you still wear that thing if he...if he broke your heart?" I sighed.

"Well, I guess it's my turn to share a story," I replied. "Is there a campfire around?" I asked jokingly. He smiled a little.

"I think a little too much of myself rubbed off on you." I shrugged.

"Is that so bad?"

"Depends on what parts we're talking about." I chuckled and led him inside.

"If I'm gonna go over the whole story, I want to take a seat first. I also would like something to drink." 

"An actual drink, or...?" I rolled my eyes.

"I think I'll settle for water."

"Don't tell me you're a lightweight."

"I've never even had a drink, Tony."

"I don't know whether to be upset or happy."

"You're the one who said no drinks!"

"That was when I thought you weren't old enough, which we still haven't figured out the technicalities of that one yet."

"Make up your mind, Dad!" We went inside and it turned out that everybody, excluding Thor, was back inside too. I sighed again. "Well, I guess I'm about to have an audience," I muttered.

"We can go back outside," Tony offered.

"No. I bet everyone is curious. Besides...I don't think I have anything to hide anymore." I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and Tony sat down beside me at the table. The others seemed to realize something was happening and began to leave. "Guys, don't." They all paused, looking hesitant yet curious. "It's alright."

"What's...going on here?" Bruce asked unsurely.

"The story that everybody keeps asking about," I replied. 

"You mean the mystery guy?" Nat asked. I nodded.

"Stay if you like or don't, it doesn't matter. I...I don't think I even have it in me to care anymore." Of course, everybody stayed, clearly interested. I wasn't surprised.

"Alright, Izz, spill the beans. Floor's yours," Tony invited. I sighed.

"...The night I arrived in Asgard, I couldn't sleep. I wandered around the palace trying to find...well...something to eat."

"Great start," Tony remarked.

"I get snacky at night sometimes," I defended, grinning a little at his humor. "Anyway, I got lost. Severely lost. I ended up running into someone. I stayed with him and we talked the rest of the night. It was...really weird, but I enjoyed it. I didn't see him again until a year later. A lot had happened, I'd grown to be a better fighter, all that jazz, but...not much had really changed other than that. I saw him again because of this huge ordeal with some Dark Elves. I'm not telling everyone that whole mess right now, so don't ask," I warned.

"Aw, just when it was getting interesting," Nat teased. Everybody chuckled a little and I kept going.

"Long story short, the guy wasn't exactly trustworthy, but we needed him in order to escape Asgard. As I said, I'm not explaining that crap right now, but anyway, a lot happened, I got...uh..." I paused. "Okay, Tony, promise me you won't freak out."

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