Chapter 43

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Izetta's POV

I worked through the night with Bruce by my side. The team dug up what they could from the reports coming in. I enjoyed being able to spend time with Bruce. He was really a nice guy when it came down to it. We talked as we worked. 

"So, uh...what was that all about?" I looked up at him. "With Stark?" I sighed.

"You know, there's something I still haven't figured out about myself," I began. "I don't understand why I have this...internal instinct to try and bring people together. When I was younger, well, mentally younger, I was always following Tony and trying to make him care about me. Some of it worked, other parts of it backfired. Ultron is right, I wanted people to care about me, but he can never understand why."

" it bad if I'm interested?" He asked. I smiled a bit.

"Curiosity is something I understand, Bruce. However...the more you learn, the more that can hurt you. You understand that nobody will ever let you know everything. Honesty is something that I was looking for, but every time I thought I had it I found out I was wrong. Tony lied to me because he wanted to protect me. It's something I've learned about him and I forgive him because he's...well, we're all human on the inside. Nobody is perfect. Even if Thor is 'worthy', there was a time when he wasn't. That's what I see in people. I see what makes their demons and...despite my better judgment, I try to make them move past them."

"...Whose demons did you try to destroy on Asgard?" His question was expected, but I chuckled solemnly. 

"Someone who...I'm not sure can escape them. You can't help somebody if they don't want you to sometimes."

"You're avoiding telling the truth too, you know." I looked at him.

"I fell in love with someone I thought I knew, but I couldn't reach."

"What did you do?"

"...I tried to fix something that can only be fixed if it wants to be. That's why I'm sticking to this group of weirdos," I said looking around. "All of us have something we're fighting to overcome. When we put that aside and get together, holding each other up and knowing that not one of us can do something right without the other...that's when we get things done." 

"...More like we just decide to swing fists because it's what we're good at." 

"If that was the case, you'd have a top spot in demolition, Bruce," I told him. He chuckled a little. "Listen, that right there is why I care. I understand the fear of...not knowing what you are or what you can do. I understand." He looked up at me. "I knew nothing about this world," I listed, turning and gesturing to Thor. "That's him." I looked around. "I was afraid of being a monster, that goes for a few people around here. And Tony?" I looked over to where he was. "...Well, I'm still working on him, but I have a pretty good idea what's up with him."

"And that is?" I grinned a little. 

"I'm not gonna spill everybody's demons to you, pal. Some of them are just obvious. And some are big, green, and always trying to make my ears bleed." 

"Heh, charming..." I chuckled. My gaze softened.

"I understand fear, Bruce." He looked up at me again. "That's the bottom line when it comes to us. I thought that's what it was with my...guy, too, but nothing is simple. After all, it isn't me who gets past someone else's demons. That's up to us, but that's why we fight together. We fight together to get the movement started. We need to stick together so we can pull each other back on the right path when one of us starts to fall away."

"...I think that's easier said than done, Izz."

"That's why I'm trying for everybody, but I'm only one girl. I can't save all of your guys' asses all the time." 

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