Chapter 63

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Izetta's POV

*Two weeks later*

I brushed off my pants as I finished getting ready for the flight. I was taking a private plane this time. I didn't feel like flying. I just wanted to relax, kick back, and enjoy the ride.

"You sure I can't do anything else, kiddo?" I turned to Tony as he came into my now nearly empty room. I sighed heavily, looking around. 

"No, I don't think so. Thanks for the offer." He nodded, looking at the ground for a second.

"You sure you want this, Izz? It's not too late. Say the word and I'll have everything canceled." I chuckled a little. 

"Dad, I know this is a big step, but I think I'm ready for it," I told him. "I...I want to find a life for myself and I don't think I'll ever be able to do that if I stay here. I'm also kinda over all the family drama. I need a break from...everything." 

"...I'm sorry about what happened, Izz." 

"I know, Tony. You've said that about a hundred times now." We both walked together as we started to head out. If it wasn't obvious, I was moving out. I wanted my own place, my own style, I wanted to take a few steps back, and I wanted to get away from a lot of things. I was officially off-limits for hero work for now. Not to mention the dispute that had happened between Tony and Steve while I was away hadn't helped anything. I didn't know the full story of what all had happened, but Nat was gone, Steve was gone, Clint was on house arrest, and Tony admitted that he and Steve weren't on good terms at the moment. I'd asked him about it, but it was clear he wasn't fully ready to talk about it. I took the details I could get and let him be.

"Well, uh, you're flight isn't exactly scheduled for any specific time so...wanna grab a bite to eat first?" He asked. I looked over at him.

"Will Pepper be coming with us?"

"No, uh...I think this one is just for you and me." I smiled.

"Whatever you say, Dad." I began to head to the garage. "You coming or what?" He smiled and hurried after me. Tony drove us to one of the local places and we got a bite together. It was a casual place. I liked it. I was also glad that he was dressed casually. Not many people were paying attention to us.

"So, what's your plan when you get to New York?" He asked. We'd been at the compound again for the time being. I thought about it.

"I think I might focus on trying to learn some new skills. Normal skills, not like battle crap or whatever."

"Uhuh, like what?" He asked, taking a bite of his burger. I thought about it. 

"...Might get into painting or maybe whittling. Both might be fun, actually. Gives me multiple canvases. Either way seems like a relaxing way to pass the time."

"What about money? I mean, I know I'm paying and it's no big deal, but I'm just wondering if that's...part of the plan." 

"Might sell them if I get good at it. I mean, I bet a lot of people will want to buy almost anything from me honestly. I don't really mean to use that to my advantage, but it's a bonus."

"Well, use what you got, right?" He said, dipping his fries and taking a bite of those too. "Hey, you gonna eat, or what?" I remembered I had food as he said that.

"Yeah, yeah, uh, sorry. Just...distracted." I said, having some of my fries. He leaned back.

"Kid, you don't have to do anything you don't want to. If you're unsure about this-"

"That's not it." He looked at me curiously.

"Well, start explaining." I sighed.

"It's just...everything is so different now. Every time I get pulled away, something huge seems to happen. I come back after some...emotional trauma, though that might sound extreme it's the best I can think of to describe it, and then...nothing feels the same all over again." His gaze hardened a little. I fidgeted with my hands. "I want to be normal, but I want to be important. I want to have a family, but every time I do I get hurt. I want friends, but true friends are hard to find when you're me, and, well, my best friend is who knows where in the universe right now. I just...I feel like there's no right way to live my life...and I have so much of it left. I mean...I'm literally a thousand years old, Tony, yet I've barely scratched the surface of my life. ...What am I even supposed to do with that?"

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