Chapter 71

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Izetta's POV

"And lately~ I been, I been thinkin'! I want you to be happier~! I want you to be happier~!" I was singing as I walked along the streets, heading to Sanctum Santorum. It had been about a year since my adventure with Peter. I had met Stephen not terribly long after. He'd explained himself to me and he asked me about my intentions on Earth. Obviously, after he'd explained who he was and what was going on, I willingly told him my entire story and he agreed that I could stay on Earth as long as I promised to help protect it. I told him about my break from doing big-time hero work, of course. He said that if I joined again he would teach me different things he knew about my kind and my powers. Seeing this as a good opportunity, I agreed.

Now I was on my way back with the book that he'd managed to let me borrow. Stephen often helped me sneak out a few texts here and there. I had to bring it back before it was missed though. Wong was a little strict with the books. But now I really enjoyed reading! 

My life had been going really well. My work was flourishing, I was living comfortably, Earth was safe, and I was happily taking care of Peter while learning from my newest instructor. Of course, Peter didn't need my help too much anymore, but I still kept an eye on my little brother. Oh yeah, I now see him as a little brother. What can I say? It's the entire definition of our dynamic together! 

I was happy and, even though some nights I still felt like something was missing, I had moved past it. I had forgotten it and I refused to look back. The only nights when I remembered were when I'd have nightmares of him. I'd remember the insane look in his eyes from all those years ago. It plagued me because now every memory I had of him was tainted with that look. Everything good had burned to ashes in my heart.

But, um, let's not go back to that. Back to going to visit my friend. Yeah, alright! Anyway, I arrived at my destination soon enough. Still singing as I walked through the door with my earbuds in, I happily twirled as I closed the door. I was also practicing a few of my moves along the way. I had been performing again on a few occasions since my music had taken off too. I was really lucky. My song ended and I tapped my earbud to pause it, taking them out and putting them into my bag as I fished for the book.

"Hey! Stephen! I'm back! I brought back the-" I stopped dead as I looked up, noticing three men standing there. The first two that caught my eye made my heart lift with joy, but then a horrid sinking feeling in my chest that made me feel like I wasn't able to breathe came as my eyes landed on the last man standing before me. No...this isn't happening...not again...

Thor's POV

"Thor Odinson." I turned after I was magically transported into the building right after I knocked on the door. I saw a man floating there. He drifted over to me and I held my umbrella (Mjolnir in disguise) toward him, ready to fight. "God of Thunder." I calmed down, understanding that he was not a threat. "You can put down the umbrella." I put it into the stand and we were suddenly in a different room. I looked at the funny thing on the table, taking one of its pieces and examing it.

"Hm. So Earth has, uh, wizards now?" I asked before trying to put the thing back and only causing more to fall. I kept trying, but it only made it worse.

"The preferred term is 'Master of the Mystic Arts'. You can leave that now." I stopped touching it, turning back to him.

"Alright, wizard. Who are you? Why should I care?"

"My name is Doctor Stephen Strange and I have some questions for you. Take a seat." We were suddenly sitting across from each other in leather chairs. I was a little startled, but it was nothing I couldn't handle. "Tea?" I was surprised to find a cup of tea in my hand.

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