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Minho already had enough of this day. Seulbi screamed Songs on the top of her lungs for the past hour. Plus her music taste was all over the place. The last song that was playing was Someone You Loved by Louis Capaldi.

Minho just wanted to sleep. Ever since he messaged Jisung back, that whole night he didn't sleep properly. Not like he actually slept that much in the first place.

They had rented a car, Mira was driving, Minho sat in the seat beside her with Seulbi more than happy in the back. She had her legs sprawled out on the back seat as her blonde dyed hair flew in the wind as she had the window open beside her.

"Okay, Seulbi if you sing anymore I think Minho is gonna kill you" Mira warned with a laugh. Seulbi rolled her eyes. "He can't understand talent when he sees it"

"I can actually" Minho looked back at her. "Do you remember how amazing I was at dancing when we were in Spain?" Seulbi stuck her tongue out at him.

"Dancing and singing are not the same" She teased. "I'm still better than you" Minho pointed out. Seulbi threw a pillow she had with her at him. Mira then told them both to shut up.

An hour passed and they were nearly at Seoul. "Min, are you excited!!!" Seulbi exclaimed. Minho hummed barely. "Yeah sure" He was excited but it was mostly nervousness covering it.

He couldn't actually think straight. His mind was a blur. He'd be seeing Jisung again. Chan and Changbin, he'd see them again. Seungmin, Hyunjin, Felix, Jeongin. He'd see them all again.

Some he was more scared to see than others but he couldn't deny the entire way his body tensed thinking about it. He wasn't ready for this. Mira said he'd never be. So when was a good time to do this? Never. Why was he even here?

"He'll be fine" Mira reassured Seulbi but Minho could tell it was clearly directed for him to know. He'll be fine. Yeah. He'll be fine if he turned around away from Seoul.

"Oo, Minho you should show us your old school and stuff" Seulbi continued. Minho nodded "Yeah..." He wasn't interested.

Mira gave him a worried look which he responded with a smile. Seulbi soon enough fell asleep from the adrenaline she ran on for the past five hours.

Now Mira could speak with Minho.

"You okay?" She asked disrupting the silence. Minho nodded "Could be better I guess" Mira reached over and patted his hand that rested on top of his thigh.

"It's gonna be scary, I know" She said and Minho was glad to hear that. It was going to be scary. "I feel like throwing up" He admitted.

Mira laughed "Please not in the car" She begged. Minho smiled "You're right though, I'll never be ready" He looked out the window. It was evening now, sunset was closing in.

Mira nodded. "But you either hide from it or face it...and if I know you, you'd face it" Minho looked over at her.

Her eyes were similar to his. Even her smile. Mira and Minho were both very similar. It was like they were each other's opposite version in different universe's.

"I'm not taking you to Mom's apartment" He stated clearly. Mira nodded. "I never really knew her anyway" She gave a shrug. "So it's all good"

Minho nodded. Then he laughed as he thought about his mom more. "Mom's a bitch isn't she?" He spoke. Mira hummed.

"She isn't the brightest" She added. Minho agreed with that. "She's such a liar" He sighed.

Mira put her hand on his shoulder. "At least we have each other now yeah?" Minho nodded. "Yeah"

Just as he said that their Google maps told them that they had arrived.

Minho's stomach swirled with dread. He saw the familiar buildings as they entered the city. As the drive over the bridge, he could see clubs he'd once been in, cafes he'd once ordered in.

Then he passed his old school, apartment blocks, he passed his dad's apartment block and he took in a breath.

"Seulbi, we're here" Mira called for the girl to wake up. She did instantly. "Woah" She let out "Its been so long since we were back"

Seulbi was from Seoul too, she was in a whole other side of the place though and never liked it that much so she asked to not visit anyone there.

Minho couldn't really get away with that though because one: the stories he had told them from when he lived there made him miss it and two: Jisung was here.

Mira pulled up in front of a hotel and they all piled out quickly. They got their stuff and Mira gave the worker the car keys to bring to the car park.

"Were staying here?" Seulbi asked in awe. "Yeah, why not?" Mira laughed. Minho gulped as they entered the building.

"It's so expensive looking" Seulbi whispered. The three didn't fit in here at all they wore hoodies and jeans while everyone else wore dresses and suits.

They walked up to the reception and asked for their room key.

Now they stood in the elevator. "Did you reply to Jisung?" Mira asked. Seulbi gasped "Did you??" She added.

Minho shook his head. "I don't know what to say" Seulbi took his phone and unlocked it. "Ha!! You're helpless, his password is Jisung's birthday" Mira had to laugh.

Minho blushed.

"Ah here it is! What-Minho... How the fuck could you not respond to this?" Seulbi started typing before Minho could say anything.

"Seulbi!" He reached for his phone. "Sent!" She laughed.

Minho took his phone back.

I'm in Seoul now

It scared him how much Seulbi knew how he would text someone.

+. - +. - +. -

Double updateeee


anyslay have a great day or night love ya xx

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