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Jisung had arrived before Minho. He didn't think he'd be so anxious about seeing someone he used to know so well but then again the whole aburpt leaving and other things on top of that made it fairly reasonable to act this way.

He cleared his throat as he looked at the time. About five minutes ago Minho said he was nearly there. Jisung bit his lip as his leg continued to bounce anxiously.

Then. Just like that, the door opened and there he was. Jisung's eyes widened. He stood up and regretted it instantly as the chair behind him fell and he had to quickly pick it up.

When he turned back Minho was standing in front of him, smiling. "What an entrance" he chuckled. Jisung was in a daze. There was no way this was actually real. It was too good to be true.

Minho found the silence begin to get awkward and cleared his throat. "I'm- gonna go and order... I'll be back"

Jisung sat down and mentally hit himself. "What the fuck was that Jisung!?" He cursed at himself.

Minho came back just as quick as he left. He sat down across from Jisung and smiled. "So... How are you?" He asked.

Jisung blinked a few times before registering what Minho said. "OH! Oh I'm fine" He smiled.

C'mon Jisung! He was embarrassing himself.

Minho smiled. "That's good" He looked out the window briefly. "It's been so long since I last saw this place" He said almost sadly.

Jisung looked out the window too. "Yeah... Not much has changed" He shrugged. Minho looked back at him now. "How's the others?" He was desperate to know.

Jisung hummed. "They're good, We're all done with school now" Minho smiled. "Did you enjoy your graduation?"

Jisung didn't know weather to tell him that he had become sort of a pessimist or not. He cleared his throat. "It was... Okay" He let that be that.

"Felix, Hyunjin and Seungmin enjoyed it more though-Oh did you know that Hyunjin and Seungmin are a thing now?" Jisung rambled trying to get past the whole graduation thing.

Minho looked surprised. "No way!" Jisung nodded "And so are Changbin hyung and Felix"

Minho Was more stunned. "We called it" He laughed. Jisung smiled and nodded. Then a waiter came over and placed Minhos order on the table and quickly left again.

"I'm surprised how... Easy it is to talk to you after so long" Minho admitted. Jisung agreed though. "I was terrified... Maybe we just overthink things" They both laughed.

"It feels like old times actually" He sighed contently. Jisung bit his lip. Old times. Old times where they were together.

Jisung wanted to ask about that. What were they? But he didn't want to put any form of pressure.

"Enough about me" Jisung smiled. "You're the one who went all over the world!" He leaned his elbows on the table and placed his head on top of his hands. "Tell me"

Minho smiled. "Well.. After I met Mira, she introduced me to Seulbi and we all had this collective idea that travelling the world would be fun so we did that"

Jisung listened closely he didn't want to miss anything.

"We went to Europe first since most of us wanted to visit those countries. We flew to Spain and hired a car and went travelling around there for about two months" He smiled as he remembered it all. Jisung smiled too, Minho looked at if he relived it all in his head.

"It was so much fun..." He sounded sad now like he missed it. Jisung sighed thinking about it. "Ugh, I wish I could go.. What was your favourite country there?"

"Cliché or not?" Minho asked. Jisung shrugged "Is there a cliché answer?" Minho chuckled. "I really liked Greece, but that obvious it's really pretty there"

Jisung nodded. "It is! I had this whole phase when I was a kid where I wanted to like Live there because of those pink flowers" They both laughed.

"We went to the North of Italy and went skiing"

Jisung was in awe. How was Minho's life so cool? Jisung finally did know that you didn't need to go to college to just do these things. Save up money to go and off you went.

"Why are you so cool?" Jisung pouted. "I really want to take you there sometime" Now he was blushing. "What? Why??"

Minho smiled. "Because, it's pretty there, Europe is just as pretty as I imagined" He explained. "What if I want to propose to you?" He added.

Jisung choked on his breath. "Minho!!" He exclaimed sending Minho into fits of laughter.

"Jokes" He smiled. "If you want it to be" Jisung glared a little. Minho was still a flirt but at least that was a sign he hadn't changed fully. He still had those little things about him.

Jisung couldn't deny how mature he became and now Jisung felt rather shitty about himself for well... Becoming immature.

"You seem so much happier" Jisung smiled. Minho was surprised by his words. "Well it didn't just happen overnight"

Jisung hummed. "I'm just glad to see you a lot better than before"

+. - +. - +. - +. -


How are we doing??? Hope we're all good xx

Lads there was a massive lightning storm last night and I kid you not I never heard anything like that before😭😭😭


Anyslay it's morning here now so it's all good, it looks like winter outside so that's nice


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