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The cold air of the night hit his face as he brought himself up onto the roof.

Jisung shivered, glad he decided to wear a hoodie. He remembered Minho saying he ran away to this place when he felt annoyed at his mom.

So, Jisung did that. He was annoyed and this place was the closest thing to having Minhos precense with him. There was still old bottles from different drinks he drank here and empty wrappers all thrown into a plastic bag in the corner.

If some environmentalist saw it they'd probably have a fit but Jisung was fond of such a thing at the moment.

He walked to the edge of the roof. The City view never changed. The city always changes, people always change, life always changed. But pictures and views of places from afar never really did.

He felt as if any moment Minho would appear beside him. He had called out his name when he got here but no answer he received.

Jisung leaned his arms on the edge. He sighed as he watched the nightlife of the city below.

Jisung felt his phone buzz lightly in his pocket. He had been tagged in a post.

He opened Instagram and saw Felix had posted the photo of them at the graduation. Jisung scoffed a little at the cliché comment Felix left: " Freedom!!! "

It was followed by hundreds of hashtags. Jisung rolled his eyes as his phone kept buzzing as people left comments. Why was Felix so popular? Why did he have to tag him?

Jisung turned his phone on silent now. A breeze danced around him sending shivers down his back. Maybe he should go home.

But he wasn't willing to sit and wait for a bus so now he roamed the streets of Seoul.

He passed bars of drunks singing and laughing, clubs of queues that stretched on for miles, take out restraunts open for business with bright lights.

Until Jisung came to a darker street farther away from the chaos of the nightlife. He walked across the road and on the other end he bumped into someone.

"Sorry" Jisung mumbled, as did the other person. Jisung went to continue walking but was suddenly frozen as he heard his name being called.

"Jisung?" It was guy. He slowly turned to look back. "It is! It is you, Han Jisung!" the man rushed back quickly.

That's when Jisung saw his face. It was Minhos dad.

"Oh my god-" Jisung covered his mouth. Minhos father smiled greatly. "It's been ages, how have you been?" He asked. Jisung nodded "Alright..." That wasn't a lie to be fair. Alright Was the middle ground of 'I'm doing my best and I want to throw myself off a cliff' so no one could actually judge you for saying that.

Alright was better than okay and the total opposite of I'm fine. That one you lose a battle to.

Whoever designed human brains to say 'I'm fine' when you're clearly not is a bitch.

Now Jisung sat in the all too familiar apartment. It hadn't changed much, only a different one seater chair in the corner and some new mugs and plates.

Minhos dad handed Jisung a cup of tea. "What were you doing out at night?" he asked as he sat down on the one seater.

Jisung, who was on the sofa shrugged. "I felt like going to that rooftop Minho was obsessed with" he explained.

Minhos dad hummed. "Have you heard from him at all?" He asked. Jisung shook his head. "Not since the day he left" He sighed.

He still remembered how much of a bitch he was that morning. He wish he never had thoughts of what his life would be like without Minho because now he knew it was a living hell.

"I wanted to ask you that" Jisung added. But to his disbelief, Minhos father sighed sadly. "I haven't heard from Min since late last year... Christmas perhaps"

Jisung was lost for words. "He never..." He didn't even know what to say.

"What did the old note say?" The man asked. Jisung sighed as he tried to recall it. It had been months since he touched the note. One line stuck with him though.

"He said he'd sort something out... But what could that even mean?" he sounded stressed. Minhos father chuckled. "Don't tell me you've given up on him?"

"Minho is a smart boy, he always was. He'll find a way to get back to you"

Jisung could only dream of that. "Sometimes I wonder why I'm acting the way I do... I should be happy but my whole world was brighter with him around and then he suddenly left... If I had a warning I wouldn't be such a boring, hating person"

Minhos father smiled. "Jisung, I can tell you now that Minho still loves you"

Jisung scoffed. "We never got to the I love you Phase"

"Even if not the way he looked at you was something I've never seen before. A pure adoration for you and pure love" He explained. "Minho is smart Ji"

Jisung sighed and sipped his tea. "He wouldn't leave you like that if he didn't have some plan to come back to you"

Jisung realised that Minho was a lot more like his dad. The bitch everyone thought he was clearly was stemmed of his mother.

"Right" That's all Jisung could say.

"Go get some rest kid.. You look like you need it"

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I love Minho's dad😭😭😭

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