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Night had fallen now.

Jisung ended up going to the nearest club with his friends after a long time of begging him to join. Clubs and parties were not Jisung's thing. Trauma.

But here he sat, in a club, sitting at a table in the corner of the room while 90s music blasted on speakers. He couldn't actually see his friends, they were mixed in with the crowd which were under a heavy dark hue of lights.

It was so stuffy in there. Jisung heard 'Born Slippy' blasting as the crowd swayed until the bass kicked in and the jumping began all over again.

He didn't even hear his phone ping when he got a text from Minho. He didn't even see it light up.

He sighed but then saw Hyunjin emerge from the crowd over to the table. He sat down beside him. "My god" he shouted.

Jisung only nodded. "Having fun?" He asked. Hyunjin laughed "Fun is an understatement" He replied. He took a swig of the drink in front of him before sighing. "Dancing for an hour straight in one spot is tiring" He leaned his head back a bit.

"You okay?" Hyunjin then asked. Jisung looked at him and nodded "Yeah" He said simply. It wasn't like he was going to tell him he hated it here and would rather throw himself off a bridge than sit here.

Hyunjin smiled. "If you wanna go, go" He reassured. "Don't feel pressured to stay just cause Felix said to" He smiled. Jisung sighed. "I would but Felix wouldn't speak to me after"

Felix was like that. He didn't really know why. He only remembered one time when he was visiting during summer when they were 14 that Felix wanted to go to a party and Jisung left early cause he didn't like it.

Felix didn't speak to him after for a week.

They never really talked about why that happened though.

Hyunjin furrowed his brows. "If he does that I'll beat his ass" He said sternly. Jisung laughed "Now that's a fight I'd love to see" He smiled for once that night.

Hyunjin giggled "Hear anything from Minho hyung?" He asked. Jisung then remembered that his phone did in fact exist and so with that he took his phone to look for a message.

There was one.

"He texted back!" He smiled brightly. Hyunjin smiled as he saw Jisung's whole face light up. "You really love him don't you?"

Jisung nodded hesitantly. "I never realised how much I did..." He said normally which was quiet enough for Hyunjin to not hear considering the music behind them blasted loudly.

Jisung opened the message and Hyunjin saw his whole face change from a happy smile to a shock of horror. Was it horror? Hyunjin couldn't tell from the dim lights.

"Ji?" He called. Jisung sat frozen. Hyunjin moved closer to him and glanced at the message. He too fell into a state of shock.

"... He's... Here?" Jisung Was shocked beyond belief. The day had finally come. Minho was back in Seoul. Hyunjin and Jisung looked at each other.

"Well? What do we do now?" Hyunjin asked. Jisung gulped. "I... Dont know" He thought of this day for so long, planned how he'd romantically run into Minho again and they'd be stunned to find each other.

This however he didn't actually know would come so soon. Yes, he'd been thinking about this day for a year and yes he wasn't prepared for it to actually happen. He'd never actually be prepared.

Hyunjin nudged him. "Text him back, tell him you wanna meet up" He gave a reassuring smile. "He'd be more than happy to do that, I know he would"

Jisung gulped. "I don't know..."

"Call him!" Hyunjin giggled.

+. - +. - +. - +. -

Jisung still hadn't replied to his message and he was getting impaitent at himself now. How could he just not reply? It was so easy but why did he have to make it so difficult?

He took in a breath. He sat down on his bed as he typed out a reply. He was determined.

No way! Really?
Omg it's been so long..
How long are u here for?

Was that too much? Was it like he was fishing for information? He didn't want to be too up front or too demanding either...

Minho started typing.

Idk yet..
We kinda decide randomly
When to go places😅

Jisung stared at the message. So Minho could be gone in the morning? Oh god... Reply Jisung!!!

I see :D
Well it's cool that
You can do that

Yeah thanks :)

Jisung bit his lip. Now what?

Since ur like yk... Here
Do you wanna like...
Meet up sometime?



Minho hyung?

Yes! Ofc!!!
I miss you!!!!!!!!

Haha I miss you too
U good tho? What was with
The keyboard smash?

Jisung started to feel comfortable texting him again. Maybe it was the random keyboard smash that made it less awkward or the over the top answer to wanting to meet up.

That was my friend
She's annoying🙄

Sounds like it
Wait so do u wanna meet?



I'm kinda scared😅

What? Why?

Jisung frowned. Minho was scared? So he didn't want to meet him...

Just... I've changed
Im scared u won't like me
I'm scared of what u think

You couldn't have changed
That much hyung😂

I have changed
Well... Mentally?

I see...



Can we call?
Seen at 11:09pm

+. - +. - +. -


How are we doing?? I hope we're doing good xx

I posted the first few chapters of Don't Delete The Kisses if you wanna go have a look xx🥰🥰

Oh and btw I just wanna say thank you all for reading this lol like I love seeing all the comments you leave its really fun to read them xxx

But yeah thank you xxxx



Fix You// MinsungTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang