Fourty Three🌻

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"I've said it already, my answer is no"

Jisung groaned. How could his mom not see that his plan was a good idea? Well, it was Felix's idea.

"But mom, it won't be like we'll mess around and trash the place"

"It's not that I'm worried about Ji" She rolled her eyes and placed the small pot of tea on the table. It was just Jisung and her.

Minho went outside with Jisung's dad to help him with planting. Much to Minhos dislike he wanted to actually be nicer to Jisung's parents.

"You two are together, more than friends together" She explained. Jisung tilted his head. "Huh?"

"Now I hate to be this way but Minho was a playboy before and I just don't think it's a good idea having you two on your own"

Jisung laughed "You're worried he'll do something to me?" He asked. She nodded. "He did it before Ji, no matter how much you help him become a better person he still will have qualities from his past self"

Jisung understood that but he didn't think Minho would do anything like that without his consent.

"Don't worry~"

"I'd rather you just leave him go home" She shrugged. Jisung's heart dropped. "What? But you know what his mother is like mom!"

"Minho's a strong boy Ji. He's only going back to his house" She said. Jisung paused slowly his brain put two and two together.

Minhos mother never mentioned about moving away to his parents.

"Wait-you do know what his mother is doing... Right?"

His mom nodded. "Taking him back home" She answered. Jisung shook his head in disbelief. "No! Oh god no" He covered his mouth.

"She's making him move away" He told her. There was a sigh. "Jisung don't be ridiculous, how could she have that all sorted in a few weeks?"

Jisung let out an airy laugh. "You can't be serious right now!" he stood up.

His mom followed as Jisung stormed to the back garden. Minho was laughing with his dad as they planted some flowers together. If Jisung was so furious, he'd give a little smile, try to engrave the moment in his brain.

But no, he went up and pulled Minho up. "Come with me" Was all he said.

Minho looked at him with concern, then he glanced to Jisung's mom. She held a look of worry.

Jisung walked off knowing Minho would follow him. Minho took off the gloves he had on and threw them on the floor.

"Is he alright?" He heard Jisung's dad say. Minho went to follow but was stopped by Jisung's mom.

"Minho... Jisung... When he's angry..." She sounded almost frightened. "Please... Just be careful and don't take anything to heart"

Minho was oddly concerned but curious. He nodded and went after Jisung who ran back inside to the house.

"What on earth did you say to him?" Jisung's dad snapped. His mom sighed.

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Minho found Jisung rather quickly from the loud noises coming from his room. He walked over and was met with the sight of Jisung throwing his clothes into a bag.

"Woah, Woah, woah" Minho walked over and held Jisung's hands. "Hey, what's wrong?"

Jisung was breathing heavily. "She's not fucking listening to me" He tried to get out of Minho's grip. Minho was stronger though.

"What happened? Babe tell me" Minho brought Jisung to sit down. It felt weird to be the one comforting someone angry, Minho was used to the opposite.

Jisung's jaw was tensed. "I told her that your mom was tryna take you away, far away like you know" He tried his best to stay calm.

"But she doesn't believe me and thinks my plan is wrong cause she thinks you're gonna fucking do shit to me cause she thinks you're still a fucking playboy" He said in all one breath.

Minho didn't know what to do. His grip loosened on Jisung which resulted in the boy's hand rushing to grip his own hair.

"Ji baby, don't grip your hair so hard"

"Fuck off"

Minho was startled. He wasn't offended, he knew Jisung was angry. He couldn't actually be angry at Jisung anymore. He chuckled. "You sound like me" he pointed out.

Jisung looked over at him with a cold look. "Which one?" he asked. Minho's laughter came to a stop and his face twisted into confusion. "What?"

Jisung glared. "Which one do I sound like? The fucking bitch you used to be?"

Now that one hurt.

Minho gulped back words he wanted to say. Words he'd regret saying, he also had a sense Jisung would regret saying that later.

"Yeah, you do. But because of you I'm not like that anymore-"

"You sure? My mom seems pretty convinced that you'll always have some things the same" He stood up. Minho sat there stunned.

He bit his lip. "Why are you packing a bag?" he asked trying to avoid the subject they were just on.

Jisung scoffed. "I'm leaving" He mumbled. Minho's brows furrowed "Leaving? Like running away?"

Jisung nodded. "Why do you sound so surprised?" He looked over. Minho couldn't even see the soft Jisung he liked.

This was a cold version of the boy he adored so much. "It's just... This isn't like you-"

"Oh so when you runaway from your worries it's fine, but then I want to and suddenly it's abnormal and not right to do so"

Minho sighed. Jisung shoved more things into his bag and mumbled curses under his breath the more angry he got.

Minho never thought Jisung could have a short temper sometimes. He couldn't stand how he was acting anymore. No wonder Jisung was so pissed at him when he was mad.

"Jisung" Minho's stern voice made Jisung stop in his tracks. He looked over. "What?" He replied just as coldly.

"I don't give two fucks about how angry you are but it's fucking annoying that you think insulting me and throwing your clothes into a bag to run away is how to deal with anger" His voice was dark, serious. "I know now that running away from problems is idiotic"

Jisung gulped a little, seeming to finally realise what he was doing. He sat back a little.


"I don't want to fucking hear it if its an insult because God it fucking hurt when you compared me to what I used to be"

Jisung looked down, ashamed. "Hyung I-" he sighed. "I'm sorry I just... I don't want you to go anywhere with that woman"

Minho knew Jisung meant well. He was finally calming down.

"Little possessive much" He teased to lighten the mood. Jisung chuckled slightly. "I guess..."

"I'm not gonna let her take me away from you" Minho reassured. "Now put your shit away and let's go for a walk"

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