chapter 85 I am not such a person

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Xie Yu's level of cold field is first-class. Starting with that extraordinarily cold smiling face, every time he appeared, no one could catch the stubble except He Chao.

The group immediately became cold, and no one spoke for several minutes.

[Liu Cunhao]: ...

[Wanda]: ...

[Luo Wenqiang]: ...

Only Xu Jing didn't quite understand why the few people who were still talking hotly just now suddenly quieted down and asked: Brother Yu, how do you know?

Xie Yu didn't think much about it when he replied, seeing that the gang was excited about He Chao's score, his emotions relaxed, politely returned to the past, and after returning to himself, he also realized that something was wrong.


Xie Yu raised his hand to cover half of his face and whispered to himself.

Wanda was going to go back to concentrate on playing matchmaking after talking, but Xie Yu's words jumped out, and he directly shook his hand and withdrew.

He stared at Xu Jing's words, secretly roaring in his heart: Of course he knew!

Maybe we'll take a shower together!

These two people... These two... Whether you can pay attention to the impact is also too blatant.

After a long silence, Liu Cunhao was the first to react. Rowan Qiang followed.

[Liu Cunhao]: Because they are good brothers.

[Luo Wenqiang]: Yes, I also know the bath point of the rats, on average, once every two days, for ten minutes at a time, and the time is usually between eight and nine o'clock in the evening.

[Xie Yu]: ...

[Wanda]: You're so strong.

[Xu Jing]: ⊙00 ⊙.

The topic was spared on the 'bath', and then very bluntly circled back to the 'final total score', and when He Chao returned from the bath, the third class had begun to discuss how to celebrate.

[He Dynasty]: What to celebrate?

Xie Yu bowed his head and typed, although he also felt that the reason for the celebration was too strange, he replied: Celebrate your math test forty-nine points.

[Liu Cunhao]: Rounding is fifty points, Brother Chao, you are too strong, this is simply a new starting point in your life.

[He Dynasty]: ... If you want me to be a guest, just say it.

[Liu Cunhao]: On the road!

[Liu Cunhao]: Before I even started to hint at it, you realized it.

He Chao's "high score" is an excuse, the third class of students want to use this matter to go out to play is true, since the holiday at home are sick, but also miss the lively atmosphere in the class.

So several people made an appointment, and they were scheduled to come out and get together the day after tomorrow.

Xie Yu didn't have anything else to do in the past two days, and he had no opinion on the time of the final discussion.

When Xie Yu told Ms. Gu that she was going to go out, she was sorting things out in the storage room.

Gu Xuelan wore a white cardigan, had just come out of the kitchen, still wearing an apron around his waist, and was rummaging through the storage basket on his tiptoes: "What? "

Xie Yu said: "I went out for a trip, and I didn't eat dinner at home."

"Where to go?" Gu Xuelan pulled out a photo album from the storage basket, prepared to put it to the side, and looked at him sideways, "I asked you to read more books, have you read it in the past few days, and you don't know what you are doing in the bedroom every day..."

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