|| Chapter 26 ||

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Rosalie's POV.

We were in the middle of the table read.

"Riley why won't you believe me?" The character Maya asked sad and disappointed. "she's my cousin! She wouldn't do a move on Lucas because she know that I like him!"

"Riley please believe me! She isn't what she seems to be!"

"Stop it Maya! Lia wouldn't never ever do that!"

"But she did!"

Lucas appeared along with Farkel.

"What's up lady's?" Farkel asked all flirty.

"Maya said that Lia did a move on Lucas! Is that true Lucas?" Riley asked with hope.

"She...she..." Lucas started but Lia appeared from behind Riley and gave him death glares.

"She didn't," Lucas finally managed to get out which made Maya speechless. "why did you lied?" Maya asked him confused and shocked.

"He didn't lied! because nothing happened, don't you get it?" Riley asked furious about Maya. "I better leave," Maya said sadly. "you better," Riley agreed with her.

Maya looked at the ground sadly and she walked away. Lia walked towards Riley, Lucas & Farkle and smiled big.

"Hey cosine, what's up?" Lia asked with a fake smile. "Maya lied to me," Riley told Lia a little hurt. Lucas was really nervous and stormed off. Farkle just stared at the girls.

Lia hugged Riley and they walked away, leaving Farkle alone. "Farkle is leaving!" He yelled before he walked away while people stared at him weirdly.

"Alright guys, good job so far, ten minutes break," the other director told us. We all grabbed our water bottles and took a sip.

"You're really good," Peyton complimented me. "thanks y'all are really good too," I said nicely.

Peyton had a cute smile to be honest.

"Uhm guys, we changed some parts," the director told us while he handed everyone a new script.

"Please run those lines now," he added and we all nodded.

"Huh so I'm good now?" I asked curiously. They actually changed the whole script. "We're sorry guys," the other producer apologized.

We all said that it was fine and stuff. So basically I'm still Lia, Riley's cousin but I won't be the bad one. We ran those lines and I stopped when I read further in our next break.

*Lucas kisses Lia*

What?! Why did they had to change the script oh no! Please no!

We will kinda have a so called 'moment' and things happen but then Riley will see us and blah blah.

We started running those lines again and the 'moment' was really awkward but we didn't had to rehearse the kiss yet.

We were done with the table read at about 3pm so the directors decided to film the first scene.

It took us longer since we had to learn our lines in a short period of time.

After the first scene which was only like a minute long Sabrina, Rowan, Corey, Peyton & I decided to go out to eat. We decided to go to In N' Out.

They had to take some pics with fans and stuff. "let's take a selfieee," Rowan said while we were waiting for our food. We took a quick selfie and we all posted it on our social medias.

'@/SabrinaAnnLynn: so excited to film a new episode with these guys! AND LOOK WHO'S GUEST STARRING!
@/RosalieR5 love this girl'

We started eating our food and laughed all the time. They were all really nice and sweet which was really cool because it would be easier to work with them.

"Tomorrow's call time is...?" Sabrina asked. "mine is 7am," Peyton told us. "Mine too," Corey added. "ugh mine is 6am," Rowan and I said in unison which made us laugh.

"Alright 6am," Sabrina said while she was setting an alarm for 5am. I hate getting up early but I have to.

"I love sleeping, I'm such a lazy person and I'm not a morning person, at all," I said groaning. They laughed at me which made me smile a little.

"You're so weird," Peyton said chuckling. "aww thanks Peyton that means a lot," I said when I side hugged him since he was sitting next to me.

"So cute," Sabrina said with a sigh. I looked at her and knew that she meant so I glared at her playfully. Rowan & Corey just laughed.

"I gotta go guys," Rowan said with a pouting lips. She hugged each one of us and we said our good byes before she left.

"Farkel c'mon we're going," Sabrina said which made us laugh. Corey chuckled and nodded. They hugged us and left as well.

"Well, I'm going then too," I said awkward since it was quiet. "uhm, yea," Peyton said. We walked out and I pulled my phone out to call someone to pick me up.

"How are you coming home?" I asked him while I was texting Rocky to pick me up. He told me that Ross will come instead.

"My brother will pick me up," he said with a smile. I nodded and we waited. "so uhm, what do you think about the kiss?" Peyton asked me.

"Well, I don't know. What about you?" I asked him back. "I don't know but maybe we should practice?" He asked awkwardly.

"Would be better huh?" I asked even though I didn't wanted to. We stayed silence for a while longer when suddenly finger lifted my chin.

I felt a pair of lips gently pressed on mine. What. The. Fuck!

Our lips brushed on each others but suddenly we heard a loud car horn. We pulled away quickly and a mad Ross was walking towards us.

Here we go!


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