|| Chapter 50 ||

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*one month later*

Rosalie's POV.

"I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" I screamed when I ran into my family's arms. After four months of therapy and stuff like that I'm finally happy.

Happier then ever!

"We missed you so much too!" They all yelled. "how are you?" Rydel asked me excitedly. "I'm pretty good," I answered which made her smile grow.

"I can't believe we finally have you back," Rocky said when he hugged me again. "we have a surprise for you," Ross whispered when he pointed to the tree.

"Huh?" I asked when I raised my eyebrow in confusion. He smirked and Shawn walked from behind the tree. I let out a scream and ran to him.

I jumped into his arms and he spun me around. I looked down and pressed my lips onto his. "I missed you so much," he whispered when he let me down.

"I missed you too and I love you," I added which made him smile even more. "so I'm guessing you wan-," he started but I cut him off by yelling 'yes'.

He chuckled and leaned down to kiss me again. We heard clapping which made me laugh. "So, we have eight months of tour left do you want to come?" Rydel asked me hoping.

"Is that even a serious question? Of course I want to come!" I yelled the last part and we all grouped hugged. "are you going to be okay with them because Dad & I wanted to go back to Colorado," Mom said to me.

"It's fine," I said and hugged them both. "we're so proud of you," they said before their kissed my head. "I love you," I said to my parents. "we love you too," they replied before we all drove home.

Mom & Dad packed immediately and took the next flight while the rest of us got into the tour bus. I'm glad to be back on tour with the people I loved the most.

We all sat on the couch and watched a movie since we didn't had anything else to do. Rydel cuddled up to Ratliff while I cuddled up to Shawn.

In the middle of the movie I looked up and Shawn smiled down at me. I leaned up a little until Shawn's lips were on mine. Butterflies flew around in my stomach.

For the first time his tongue pecked on my bottom lip. I granted access and smiled into the kiss. "aww," I heard Rydel saying. "eww," the boys said after that which made me giggle.

Suddenly I got lifted up and placed between Riker & Ross. "don't do that, when we're watching a movie together," they said in unison which made me laugh.

"You're just jealous," I said when I stuck my tongue out. I got up and sat between Shawn's legs so I could rest my back onto his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and placed them onto mine.

I smiled and we continues watching the movie. I was so happy.

I took my phone out and went on Twitter. I twittered the first time after more then four months.

'@/RosalieR5: I'm finally back and happier then ever! :) (also in looove)'

I went on Instagram and saw that Rydel had posted a pic a few seconds ago. I looked at it and smiled when I realized that it was of me and Shawn.

I scrolled farther and saw another pic from a few minutes ago also of me and Shawn, kissing with the caption:

'Cutest couple ever! ❤️'

I liked it and smiled when I showed Shawn who smiled as well and kissed my head. I saved the pics and put the kissing one as my wallpaper.

Shawn handed me his phone and whispered to make a pic. I took one and he kissed my neck from behind which looked so damn cute.

I send it to me and saved it as his wallpaper. It was so comfortable in his arms. Shawn took his phone and went on Twitter. I could see what he was doing.

'@/ShawnMendes: I love you'

I smiled and tweeted.

'@/RosalieR5: 2'

I put my phone next to me and intertwined my fingers with Shawn's. He let go which made me curious. He took something out of his pocket which made me even more curious.

He opened his hands and put a necklace around my neck. I looked at it and saw a heart with 'S+R' in little diamonds in the middle of the heart. I gasped and turned around so we were chest to chest.

"Thank you so much, I love you," I whispered when we were face to face. "I love you too," he replied before I pressed my lips onto his.

"Oh c'mon seriously?" I heard Rocky ask. I pulled away and slapped his head lightly which made him shut up.

We all laughed and I pecked Shawn's lips once more before I turned around again to finish watching the movie.

He placed his hands on my belly and I placed my hands onto his.

Finally everything in my life is making sense again. They love me, I love them and I'm the happiest person ever.


Cute Rhawn moments at the end :)
This was supposed to be the last Chapter that's why it isn't the best and just ignore that :D
I can't wait for the new Chapters! You're going to kill me! :O

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