|| Chapter 8 ||

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Rosalie's POV.

"I should probably turn it off because the battery says 29%" I said while I watched at the battery sign on my phone.

"Okay, bye everyone. I love you all," I said before I stopped recording. I closed my eyes and did my best to try to fell asleep.

I may did slept for like five hours in total but not more.

• • • 129 hours missing • • •

It's been 5 days and 10 hours. Why aren't they filming?

It was 6am and if I have luck today, they are gonna be here in the matter of minutes of seconds.

Suddenly the lights went on. Am I dreaming? "Help!" I tried to yell but it came out like a whisper.

"Help!" I tried yelling again. My chest was hurting so bad. I heard them unlocking the door. I tried to do anything when they were unlocking this door.

I heard the key turning. "HELP!" I cracked out crying. The door opened and security came inside the room. They turned the lights on and gasped.

One of them called the police and ambulance probably. Soon, about 10 people where in this room. They pushed the shelf off of me.

"ROSALIE!" I heard a familiar voice yelling. I saw Raini & Laura but the security pushed them away.

Raini & Laura always got earlier call time then the boys because of hair & make up.

Raini & Laura both started calling people. Soon the ambulance came and carried me on a roll bed thingy. I passed tons of people.

When I first saw the daylight again, I knew I was safe. I saw my family running as fast as they could towards me but the police pushed them to the side.

No one was allowed near me except the ambulance. I looked into my parents and siblings eyes and saw they worried-ness and sadness. Their mouths where shaped like an 'O' and tears streamed down their faces.

Some of them had their hands over their mouths. They all gasped. I remembered that I was bloody almost everywhere so I understood.

I closed me eyes and felt that I was droving in the ambulance now. Everything went in slow motion.

They did something with my arm and stuff. Suddenly they gave me a shot and I fell into a deep sleep.


Ross' POV.

We ran towards the ambulance after Raini called us that they found Rosa. The police shove us away. We weren't allowed to see her.

But we saw her from farther away. Her arm was all red and so where her clothes. Blood almost everywhere.

She turned her head slowly and faced each one of us. We started crying and stuff like that. It was horrible to see her like that.

She was missing for 129 hours!

Calum came and so did Laura & Raini. We hugged them and we were all happy that she got found.

The police came to us and told us that we should drive to the hospital. Everyone, including Calum, Raini & Laura got into the cars.

We drove off to the hospital and arrived minutes later. They told us to wait in the waiting room.

"Here I took a picture to show you," Raini said when she showed us a picture of Rosa laying under a shelf in the props room.

"Oh my god! My baby," Mom gasped when she started crying. Dad comforted her. "Here, the security gave me her phone," Laura when she handed us Rosa's phone.

We had a charger with us so we charged it and I scrolled through her twitter. I then decided to look through her pictures.

She had a family picture as wallpaper. I clicked on a video she recorded while she was missing. I clicked play and Rocky, Rydel, Riker, Calum & I watched it.

Rydel started crying and we gasped when we saw her cut. I showed the video Mom, Dad, Ryland, Laura & Raini as well.

We waited and waited and waited in silence, the only noises where sobs. It's been three hours and still no news.

"Rosalie Emily Lynch?" A nurse asked. We all stood up and waited for her to continue.

"Rosalie got two broke rips and a really deep cut on her arm. We stitched it up and it's healing. The only thing that worries us is that she's afraid. Her biggest fear is the darkness, maybe she won't be able to sleep without a light on or maybe she even needs someone who's sleeping with her. She was 129 hours alone in the darkness and it's like a phobia for her now," the nurse explained to us.

"We don't know why yet but maybe because when she fell, she hit her head on something but we aren't sure yet. About that, maybe one of you will be the reference person, someone who was with her last and who's living with her," the nurse continued.

"Ross," Dad said simply. "B-but," my mom started but she didn't know what to say. "maybe Mom should," I said to my Dad.

"Who of her family saw she last?" The nurse asked. "Ross did," Rydel answered. "Then Ross will it be," the nurse said simply.

I wasn't sure if this was a good idea but I nodded anyways. "then Ross would you come with me?" The nurse asked when she started walking.

I hugged my Mom quickly and followed the nurse. She lead me to a room and told me to let the lights on no matter what. I entered the room alone and saw Rosa laying on her bed.

Her arm bandaged up. "Rosa," I whispered gasping. She turned her head and faced me. "R-Ross," she crocked out.

"Where's everyone else?" she asked me confused. "they're waiting in the waiting room because they told me to go in first, since we will spending a lot time together from now on," I explained.

"I know, the doctor told me everything already but he also said that it won't be forever. My fear can go away," Rosa informed me.

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