|| Chapter 2 ||

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Rosalie's POV.

I'm locked in my room since two hours now. I can't believe they will gonna let me alone again. I'm the only one without friends because I always got homeschooled.

I once went dancing but Rydel told me that I wasn't good enough in a nice way. I understood and tried singing but they all told me not to also in a nice way as possible.

I wasn't good enough for this family.

My cousins our living in Colorado so I wasn't able to do something with them either. I stopped listening to music and changed myself into my PJ.

I brushed my teeth and I was lucky that me and Rydel are sharing a bathroom which is connected to our rooms. The bathroom is in between our rooms so no one else can go in there without going into our rooms first.

I locked the doors and brushed my teeth before I brushed my hair and put it into a messy bun.

I opened the doors but locked mine from the inside of my room again. I laid in my bed, grabbed my teddy bear and closed my eyes.

I always sleep with my teddy bear even when I'm 14 years old. It was actually pretty early to go to bed but I was lazy all day so I was tired.

I felt my body relax before I fell into a deep sleep.

• • •

I woke up the next morning at around 10. I did my morning routine and got dressed before I went down the stairs.

Ross was already gone as well were Rydel, Riker, Rocky & Ryland. I found a letter from Mom & Dad, telling me they left early.

I guess I'm home alone then, again.

I made myself pancakes and turned the TV on while I started eating. I watched a random movie and played with my phone.

I went through Twitter and saw my family already posted today.

Riker posted a pic of him and Allison, dancing. Rydel posted a pic with her students, Ross posted a pic with Raini his co star, Rocky posted a pic with his friends and Ryland reposted it.

I was actually really frustrated.

'@/RosalieR5: home alone again😐 what a great day😑 #everyoneisbusy'

I got a respond from Ratliff.

'@/RatliffR5: @/RosalieR5 same here! Let's go skateboarding!'

I smiled and RTed his tweet.

' @/RosalieR5: @/RatliffR5 okay, see ya in 10'

He responded with a simple ok and I got ready to skate.

I grabbed my skateboard and waited for Ratliff to arrived. Soon I heard a knock and I went to open the door. I hugged Ratliff and we started skating down the road while talking.

"So everything okay?" He asked me a little worried. "everything's fine," I replied simply. "I know that's not true!" He argued chuckling.

"It's just...ugh...everyone's busy with filming, dancing or meeting friends. I can't act, sing, dance or meet friends since I don't have any talent or even friends," I explained to him.

"I know what you mean," he replied a little sad for me. We reached the park and skated a little until we got mobbed by fans.

"Aww Rosa's talented family is all busy and she's a ugly, worthless, fat girl home alone without any friends or hobbies," one girl said to me.

My eyes got watery immediately. I took my skateboard and drove off. Ratliff didn't noticed at first but he followed me after that.

"Rosa!" Ratliff yelled. I drove home in a record time and slammed the door shut. I heard several knocks at the door which came from Ratliff.

I opened the door with tears running down my cheeks. "what happened?" He asked me worriedly when he hugged me.

"Nothing, I just...just tripped and hurt my hand. Can you let me alone please?" I lied and asked him nicely.

"Okay but call me if you need anything," he told me worriedly. I nodded and hugged him quickly before I slammed the door shut.

I slid down on the inside to the floor and pulled my knees to my chest. I cried into my knees.

Why did this girl said that? Why can't she just let me alone?

I took my phone and went on twitter. Ross had posted a pic with the cast at the mall with the caption.

'Awesome day with my friends'

I scrolled farther and saw a tweet from Riker a few seconds ago. It says,

'Allison & I are answering your twitter questions right now!'

I took that as my chance and tweeted him. He had me under favorites so he'll definitely see my tweet.

'@/RosalieR5: @/RikerR5 when are you coming home?'

I got a respond right after.

'@/RikerR5: @/RosalieR5 in five hours because Allison and I are going to the mall after rehearsals'

I got mad and slammed my phone on the floor while I started crying again. I'm very emotional lately.

I went to the freezer and took a cup of ice cream. I went to the living room and watched 'Pretty Little Liars' while eating my ice cream with a spoon.

Soon I heard my phone ringing which was probably a notification from twitter. I went to pick my phone up and the glass kinda broke.

I sighed and looked at the notification.

'@/ShawnMendes: @/RosalieR5
@/OfficialR5 @/RylandR5 see ya in a few months right?'

I didn't respond because I was to lazy to be honest. I met Shawn Mendes only once in my life so I basically didn't know him.

I turned my phone off because my siblings were responding to that.

I was done eating my ice cream when I started feeling sick. Please don't let me get sick! Please!

I went upstairs and got dressed in sweatpants and a sweater since I felt a little cold.

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