|| Chapter 36 ||

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Rosalie's POV.

I cuddled close to Rocky & Ross since Ross & I were sitting in the middle of Ratliff & Rocky, who were laughing at us every time we jump because we're scared as heck.

Soon the movie ended and Ross & I were still looking at the TV, which was already turned off. Our body's were shacking and our eyes were wide open.

"We're going to bed," Rocky told us. We nodded and Ratliff & Rocky left.

"Are you still scared?" Ross asked me slowly. I nodded, "uh huh."

"Me too," he agreed to me.

"Rooooss, Roooosa!" Someone whispered in a creepy voice. Ross & I jumped into each others arms and looked around scaredy.

"Who was this?" I asked Ross who shrugged at my question. "We're gonna eat you..." the voice said again.

Suddenly two people jumped in front of us with mask on which made Ross & I scream really loud.

We fell onto the floor and the two guys put their masks off. Rocky & Ratliff. "we weren't scared at all!" I said loudly, still scared as heck.

"Be quiet!" Rydel, Ratliff, Riker & Ryland yelled. I guess we just woke them up.

We stood up and I slapped both of them. "Who's gonna sleep with me? I can't alone," I said scaredy. "I will," Ross said also still creeped out.

Rocky & Ratliff were laughing their asses off. We ignored them and went to bed. "they're gonna regret it," I said to Ross with a smirk.

"Watch out!" Ross yelled so Ratliff & Rocky could hear him. He laughed and high fives me before we drifted off to sleep.


I woke up the next day with a groan. Ross was still sleeping so I rolled over him and fell out of the bunk. Ross is a firm sleeper.

I groaned again and rubbed my head. Riker came and looked at me weirdly. "I fell out of the bunk," I told him when he helped me up with a chuckle.

"Go get ready, princess," he said and I did as told.
(Outfit up there 👆🏼 or 👉🏼)

Today is the first concert of the tour. It's really cool to see the fans, all around the world but I'm the only one who doesn't really know what to do.

Mom & Dad didn't even called us. I thought they would but they didn't and that made me sad. I shove these thoughts aside and walked in the living room.

Ryland & Ross came as well and we ate breakfast while we talked about new music and stuff.

• • • a few weeks later • • •

R5 got a week off and well only two more days and today is Friday so they got invited to a party. No one wanted to stay in the tour bus with me so they take me with them.

We were on our way already and it was like 10pm. We arrived at a house where lights were shining through the windows.

I was a little scared to be honest but whatever. We got in and the music was blasting. Drunk people everywhere. Seconds later Ryland & Ross were the only ones by my side.

"See ya later," Ross said when he walked off to a group of guys. I turned around to Ryland who wasn't there anymore. I saw him making out with Savannah.

I groaned and sat down on one of the chairs on the bar. "want a drink?" A guy asked me on the counter. He was a little drunk.

"A water please," I said he nodded. Seconds later he gave me a glass and I took a huge sip. I started coughing and let the glass fell on the floor.

"THAT WASN'T WATER!" I yelled at the guy. He smirked and walked off. My throat started hurting and I git sweaty.

It was so hot. "hey! Rosalie Lynch, right?" A nice girl asked me. She wasn't drunk, just a little tipsy. I nodded and she smiled.

"Courtney," she introduced herself. I didn't know her. "would you introduce me to your brother Ross?" She asked me nicely.

I shrugged and nodded before I walked with her to Ross. I tipped on Ross' shoulder and he turned around with a cup of probably whiskey.

"What?" He asked me curious. "Courtney that's Ross, Ross that's Courtney," I said before I walked off. I spied Riker going with some girl up the stairs.

I don't want to know what they are doing. My vision got a little blurry and I didn't know where I was going.

I walked to the counter and tried to read what was on the bottles. Some said 'water' so I grabbed one and took a sip. I coughed and gulped when I realized that it wasn't water.

I felt really dizzy so I sat on the ground with the bottle in my hand. I was thirsty but this can't be a good idea. I took another sip and it was disgusting.

Soon I was drunk. I didn't realized what I was doing. I was dancing with some girls and boys. I didn't know where my family was.

Suddenly someone dragged me upstairs. It was a guy. He opened a door and Riker was...I nearly threw up when I saw him having sex with this girl from earlier.

He didn't saw me so the guy closed the door and went to the next. He threw me on the bed and just then, when he was touching me, I realized what's happening.

"LET ME GO!" I yelled furious while tears filled my eyes. "we're going to have fun," he said when he started kissing my neck. I kicked him where it hurts the most.

He groaned and fell to the ground. I jumped up and wanted to leave but he grabbed my leg which made me fall.


Don't worry Ross & Courtney won't be a thing in this fanfic since I know that a lot of you don't like them being together. I don't ship them but if he's happy then it's like it is :)

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