46-Time Jump

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It was a Friday night like any other, Dinner was being made and there were humans running circles around the island distracting the cook.

Tyler: (huffs) Can y'all niggas get out the kitchen??

Znuie: (giggles) Tell mommy to stop chasing us!

Zenland: We're only running from her!

Akeylah: Because y'all said I was "it"! I'm supposed to chase if we're playing tag!

Tyler: In the kitchen though?? Get out before y'all wreck something!

Akeylah: Hmm...how does it feel to be the one in the kitchen annoyed? Should've never learned how to cook.

Tyler: OUT!

Akeylah: (snickers) Alright. You got it. Come on double Z!

She grabbed the twins' hands and lead them upstairs so they could bathe before dinner.

Zenland: Mommy?

Akeylah: Yes Zenny?

Zenland: Why do you call us double Z?

Akeylah: Because there are two of you and your name's start with a Z.

Znuie: Ooh! Can I wear my princess and the frog pajamas??

Akeylah: You already wore that two nights in a row Juju.

Znuie: (whines) But mommy! They're my favorite!

Akeylah: We don't have water to be wasting on re-washing them before laundry day. What about Moana?

Znuie: (pouts) I want Tiana!

Akeylah: Aht! We don't pout and throw fits when we don't get our way. Don't make me remove all electronic privileges' from you.

Znuie: Sorry mommy...

Akeylah: It's okay. Now...we can't wear Tiana again so which princess would you like?

Znuie: Our Ariel.

Akeylah: Hmm...nice choice! Zenny, what pj's you want tonight?

Zenland: Mickey Mouse!

Akeylah: You got it, dude! Okay, grab your pj's and ONE bath toy while I go run the water.

Z+Z: Okay!

She walked into the bathroom of their shared room and sat on the edge of the tub as she turned on the faucet. While she waited for the water to fill up, she looked back into the room at her mini selves and smiled. The two were having a conversation about god knows what but she loved how they got along and were each other's best friends. Of course, they had fights but that's just what siblings do.

The water finally filled into the tub and she turned off the faucet.

Akeylah: Zenny! Juju! Come on!

Both twins ran into the bathroom giggling as Akeylah started to undress them for their bath. Ten minutes later, the twins were dried, moisturized, and in their pajamas as the three of them made their way back downstairs and to the dining room.

Tyler: Who's hungry??

Z+Z: ME!!

Akeylah: Ooh! What did you make?

Tyler: (sets down the dish) Lasagna!

Akeylah: Yup! I'm glad you started cooking!

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