12-Livestream (Short Filler Chapter)

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March 10th, 2024
Keynote Records
Hollywood, CA
6:45pm-Akeylah POV
I checked my outfit in my full length mirror one more time to smooth out any wrinkles then applied lip gloss before sitting at my desk and starting up a live on my Instagram. {outfit below;not her}

 {outfit below⬇;not her}

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Akeylah: Hey y'all. I'm gonna wait for a few more of you to get in here before I get to yapping (laughs)

After the numbers went up some more I started to speak again

Akeylah: KEYCHAINS!! It is FINALLY out!! "The Transition Period" is now available on ALL streaming platforms! I know I said the last time I did an album release event for the fans that I would do another but y'all...I have a LOT on my plate right now and I just can't but I am gonna turn this into an Q&A so that we can still interact with each other.

I began to scroll through the Q&A questions and one made me laugh

Akeylah: keylahsbabyfatha says, "When are you gonna pay child support for our kid?" (cackles) Lawd! What kid?? Sir we gon' need an DNA test because I am NOT the motha!

marrymeakeylah: Please marry me Mami😭💍❤

Akeylah: Sheesh! Uhh...marrymeakeylah...Sir OR Ma'am. You are terribly late with that proposal. (laughs)

lovelyshantii: Who does your hair?

Akeylah: I did this myself today but my stylist Shawn!! Is a beast! He mainly does my hair for ANY major event! Love him! Ooh! He's actually in the live. Heyy boo!!

teamkeyrose: What was the hardest part of making the album?

Akeylah: The hardest part of making this album was towards the end. Having too many eggs in one basket chile! I was working on other projects all while trying to do this and the visual album like...it was just a whole lotta, whole lotta mess! But it all came out how I wanted it! So if I had to do it all again, I'd go through all of that again. Wouldn't change a single thing.

theroseroom: Where are you right now?

Akeylah: theroseroom, I LOVE you guys by the way! I am in my office at the label. Been here since this morning, been really busy. So yeah.

keylahsdaughter: Can you PLEASE adopt me?😭

Akeylah: "Can you PLEASE adopt me?" Uhh...I'm not even gon' hold you...I'm not in any way shape or form prepared for a child right now. You wouldn't get the love and attention you need and that's abandonment...I don't have time for jail love (laughs)

keychainbabe: When is the tour??

Akeylah: Tour is next year Keychains!! Dates will be coming...eventually. I'm not even going to lie to y'all, so many things are on my mind right now that ANYTHING regarding me as an artist is solely being handled by the Clancy's, my managers. At this point, they just tell me when I need to be places and I show up.

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