35-Home Sweet Home

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October 26th, 2025
Los Angeles, CA
3pm-Akeylah POV
From the moment we both stepped off the jet, I began to feel a tiny bit anxious. We've been gone for four months so this was this first time that we'd be seeing anybody. This was the first time that anyone would be seeing us.

I am now 11 weeks along as of yesterday and while people who I've normally seen pregnant don't start showing until 12-13 weeks along, I was starting to see a little pudge at 11. But, as far as I've read and heard, every pregnancy is different. That doesn't mean I wasn't hoping that anyone could notice though.

A black SUV pulled up and out hopped Vil and Anthony.

Anthony: Long time no see strangers.

Akeylah: (smiles) I can say the same for y'all.

I hugged the both of them as they also dapped Tyler.

Vil: I'm glad y'all made it back safe man.

Tyler: (chuckles) Shit. Me too.

I noticed that Anthony had gotten quiet. I looked at him and noticed he was looking at me but not at my face. I trailed to where his eyes were and my own widened and I quickly looked up. All of us were now darting our eyes from each other to my growing belly.

Vil: (laughs) Y'all work FAST.

Akeylah: Damn it. If y'all can see it then it's noticeable.

Anthony: (smiles) We'll keep a secret.

Akeylah: I mean...It's not like we'll be seeing anyone until maybe this weekend so I have time to try and...figure out how to hide this.

Tyler: (shrugs) We can just buy you some more clothes.

Akeylah: Yeah, I guess.

Anthony opened the door for us to get inside while Vil started to load the bags into the back.

Tyler: Now that I'm thinking about it, we should really try to get to an doctor just to make sure everything is okay.

Akeylah: Already on it.

I had already pulled out my phone and was calling the nearest OB/GYN office to try and see if any appointments were available
30 minutes later, we were pulling in through the gates of our home and I had successfully finessed an appointment for tomorrow. I was both excited and nervous about it. I really just want everything to go as smoothly as possible.

The car came to an stop as we pulled up in front of the house. Instead of waiting for the door to be opened, Tyler damn near flew out of the car and made his way to the front door. I laughed and followed right behind him. But as soon as he opened the door...


I damn near ran back out the door I was so caught off guard. All of our friends and family were inside of the house. Just when I thought I had some time to try and find a clever way to hold off on telling them I was pregnant. BOA. Busted on arrival!

Akeylah: (walks up to Anthony and Vil) Y'all knew about this didn't y'all??

Vil: (shrugs) Nobody told you to come back pregnant.

Akeylah: (gasps and grabs her chest) Okay...that hurt.

I turned on my heels and walked back in the house preparing to be bombarded with a million questions. And sure enough as soon as I stepped in...

Cynthia: So my ONLY daughter wasn't gonna tell me that she's pregnant?? No wonder you stopped facetiming us.

Khadijah: I knew it! I freaking knew you would come back pregnant. (turns around and shouts to everyone) Y'all need to pay up!

Tyler: Nigga, y'all betted on this??

Everyone: Yes.

Akeylah: (shakes her head) Sad. That's what you all are. SAD.

Louisa: Girl hush and get in this house. We didn't throw this party for nothing. Now we have two things to celebrate.

She then grabbed onto my arm and pulled me into the living room where everyone was started to congregate. Tyler and I both went around greeting everyone. No matter how annoying they were being about the pregnancy, it was nice to see everyone again.

Clancy: (smiles) Wow...I never thought I'd see the day that you two become parents.

Akeylah: (giggles) Me either the way we be acting sometimes.

Tyler: (furrows his brows) How do we act?

Akeylah: We both can have our kid-like moments still.

Kelly: That's what keeps life enjoyable though. Continue to have those moments, especially with your kids.

Tyler: (smiles) Oh we're gonna have a shit ton of fun with our kids. They gonna have EVERYTHING that we didn't.

Akeylah: Everything?


Clancy: (chuckles) Can't spoil any kid too much, that never works out.

Akeylah: Exactamundo!

Tyler: Aight. We'll see.

Jasper: (walks in holding Leo) Aye. Sorry we missed the big surprise...

Carter: (walks in behind him) Looks like we got an surprise ourselves...

Akeylah: (laughs) Yup. I think we're all in shock. But anyways (stretches her arms out for Leo) Gimme!

Jasper handed Leo to me and I instantly started to kiss all over his face making him giggle.

Tyler: Are you sure you're supposed to be holding him?

Akeylah: Tyler, I'm not even that far along yet plus he's not even heavy. I'm good.

Carter: When did you guys find out?

Tyler: That was back in September I think?

Akeylah: No. That was August because we found out in Australia.

Tyler: Yup...you're right.

Jasper: If you niggas need advice, you can always ask us.

Tyler: Thanks man.

They shared a quick hug before we were being pulled away and sat onto the couch.

Domonique: So we wanna hear everything about the honeymoon.

Rocky: For Real. Y'all niggas was gone for four months!

Kendall: We need to be filled in on everything Kyler that we missed.

Akeylah: That's still a thing....anyways, we'll be here all night if we do that.

Syd: Before they start spilling anything, where all did y'all even go that is was a four month trip?

Tyler and I looked at each other and grinned. We both knew that we were probably gonna be here all night telling them of our adventures. But just being with all of our friends and family again and seeing that everything and everyone was still intact while we were gone made us more than happy to share.

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