
217 12 6

January 4th, 2026
Creator Residence
Los Angeles, CA
6:28pm-Omniscient POV
Just like any other day for the last few months now, Key was taking her third nap before it was time for bed. She was curled comfortably under the comforter on her pregnancy pillow. To her, this was the best thing that she's ever come across. It was so comfortable and she was actually able to get some sleep with it. But today, life had different plans. She was abruptly disturbed from her slumber by the smell of something burning.

She slowly sat up and looked around confused. Her husband was no where in sight so she unfortunately put two and two together. The now five month pregnant woman slowly swung her legs over the side of the bed as she tosses the comforter off of her body. She scooted closer to the edge as she stepped into fuzzy slippers and sighed as she stood up straight and stretched.

As she began to make her way downstairs, the smell became stronger and was beginning to make her head spin. She still continued on to the kitchen, determined to figure out what on earth her husband was up to now.

Of course when she got there, Tyler was rushing around the kitchen in a panic. There was a saucepan on the stove smoking as Tyler grabbed it and tossed it into the sink and ran water into it.

Akeylah: Gregory! What are you in here doing?? I'm taking a nap and all hell is breaking loose down here!

Tyler: Key, go back to bed! Everything is covered down here.

Akeylah: Is it?? I can't tell! What were you even making??

Tyler: I was trying to make you some brown sugared salmon for dinner. I know how much you've been craving it.

Akeylah: Okay...where did it go wrong?

Tyler: Uh...

Akeylah: Uh...what?

Tyler: Fuck Key. Don't make me say it.

Akeylah: (snickers) Did you have the fire too high? It was the glaze wasn't it?

Tyler: Shut up.

Akeylah: (laughs) Oh my god! You almost burnt the kitchen down Nigga! This is hilarious but it ain't at the same damn time!

She continued to laugh as her husband looked at her with a scorned expression. He didn't too much like the fact that she was making fun of his failed attempt to cook her dinner. He was only trying to do something nice for her.

Akeylah: Alright man. Let me take over.

Tyler: No. I wanna do this alone Key. I'm trying to learn how to do something other than bake in the kitchen so I can take the load off of you.

Akeylah: Babe. You know I don't mind cooking for us. It's no big deal.

Tyler: It's a big deal to me. The last thing I need or want is for you to be up on your feet for hours cooking and prepping for the next meal. I wanna help.

Akeylah: Okay. Thank you. I appreciate that alot. But should I just take o-

Tyler: No. You can sit and watch me make dinner or go back to bed. Now that I know where I went wrong, I can do this.

She sighed and went to sit on one of the stools at the island as she observed him began to make the glaze yet again.

Akeylah: Where's the salmon?

Tyler: (glares at her) Key...

Akeylah: (lifts her hands) Okay. I'll keep my mouth shut. I promise.

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