7-CFG: Day 2

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November 12th, 2023
Dodgers Stadium Parking Lot
Camp Flog Gnaw Carnival
Los Angeles, CA
12:00pm - Akeylah POV
Day 2 of Camp Flog Gnaw has finally started! Even though I'm excited for whatever today holds, I'm also bummed that it's the last day until this time next year. Currently, I was walking around the festival with the Tyler and the gang. It was almost like a couples day. Mysti, her boyfriend Malcom, Jackson and his girlfriend Jada were somewhere at the carnival in their own little group.

Travis: Aye let's go to the sling shot!

Domonique: Ooh! I'm down!

Malachiah: Bet!

Everyone started walking towards the line for the ride while I stood behind. Tyler turned and looked at me before walking up to me.

Tyler: What are you doing back here? We're gonna lose our spot in line.

He took my hand and started to pull me but I pulled away from him.

Akeylah: Nah, you can get on the ride with them. I'll be right here when you get back.

Tyler: Why don't you wanna get on?

Akeylah: I'm just not a fan of that ride...

Tyler: (teases) Aww...Look at the scared little baby.

Akeylah: (rolls her eyes) Fuck you. I'm not getting on so you can go without me.

Tyler: Babe. I'm not gonna leave you by yourself. So if you don't wanna get on then we both not getting on.

Akeylah: Ty-

Tyler: I'm serious. You're uncomfortable, I won't do it. I'm not leaving you alone especially not after that bullshit on Halloween.

Akeylah: (sighs) Thank you baby...now I feel bad though.

Tyler: We can go get some funnel cake?

Akeylah: (smiles) Okay.

He took my hand and we walked over to the rest of the group.

Tyler: We'll meet y'all back down here when y'all get off. We're going to get some funnel cake.

Michelle: Wait why y-Oh yeah! Key don't like this ride.

Lionel: For real? This ride is cool.

Akeylah: I don't like the drop so...it's not cool to me.

Lionel: (shrugs) Oh, well see y'all when you get back.

We began to make our way to the deep fried stand when something caught my eye.

Akeylah: (gasps) It's a giant stuffed puppy!! Oh my god! I HAVE to take it home with me!

Tyler: What abo-

Akeylah: You can get the funnel cake, I'll get the dog!

I started to dart over to the carnival game with the dog only to be snagged back. I looked back and Tyler was holding my arm.

Akeylah: (whines) Let go of me! Feels like I'm on a leash!

Tyler: You're not going alone. I'll go with you to win the dog then WE'RE going to get funnel cake.

Akeylah: (sighs) Fine. Are you gonna be on stage with me tonight too since I'll technically "be alone"?

Tyler: Nah, the guards will be down there with you. (smirks)

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