32-Honeymoon Pt.3

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July 27th, 2025
Cape Town Int. Airport
Cape Town, South Africa
2:00am-Akeylah POV
When I say that this whole "Time Difference" shit is fucking trash! It is FUCKING TRASH!! If we were still on our side of the world, it would've been 9pm on July 26th but instead we are landing in South Africa at 2am on July 27th! Apparently they are 5 hours ahead. I am not with the shits!

As soon as we got off the jet, there was a black Maserati Levante waiting for us.

Akeylah: (yawns) You got a rental?

Tyler: (shrugs) Yeah. There ain't much to do at the Villa like the hotel in Brazil.

Akeylah: Are you sure you can drive?

Tyler: (yawns) I'm cool. It's only 32 minutes away from here.

Akeylah: Okay...I'm just checking. We don't another McLaren incident. 

We both go into the car and waited as staff loaded up the bags into the trunk. I stared out of the window trying to focus on something to keep myself awake. I didn't want to fall asleep and leave Tyler driving alone.

Tyler: Babe, you can go to sleep. I'll be alright plus you're already dozing off.

Akeylah: (shakes her head) No. I-I'm staying awake.

Tyler: (chuckles) You're stuttering. Just go to sleep Key.

I shook my head no again but as I struggled to stay awake, I felt myself beginning to drift off against my will.
The sound of water running made jump up from my slumber.

Akeylah: (mumbles) Fuck...I fell asleep.

I rubbed my eyes and looked around room wondering exactly how I got here. "I really hope he didn't carry me in here AND still brought the bags inside" I thought to myself. I snapped out of my thoughts when Tyler walked into the room with a towel wrapped around his waist. I wish this man would stop trying to kill me with his looks...

Tyler: (smiles) Morning. Get some rest?

Akeylah: I should be asking you that. Did you carry me in here?

Tyler: (laughs) Well duh! You sure as hell didn't walk in here on your own.

Akeylah: (grins) Yeah, okay smart aleck. You left the bags in the car right?

Tyler: Nah. Why would I do that?

Akeylah: Tyler. The first thing you should've done when you got in was go to bed. The bags could've waited.

Tyler: Akeylah. Once again, We are in a foreign country, can't do that.

Akeylah: I understand that. I do...but we're at a private Villa, the car has an alarm on it. The bags would've been straight. We can buy those things back, your health you can't.

Tyler: Okay babe. I need you to get dressed.

Akeylah: Where we going this early in the morning?

Tyler: Key, it's 9am. This is our normal call time.

Akeylah: Still...Where we going?

Tyler: (shrugs) We just about to find something to do in town.

Akeylah: Or...I can look up some local activities real quick instead of getting lo-loosing our way.

Tyler: (laughs) You almost set yourself up for that one.

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