41-Putting It Together

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February 5th, 2026
Creators Residence
Los Angeles, CA
12:00PM-Omniscent POV
Now in the 6th month of her pregnancy, Akeylah is nearing the end of her second trimester with her third starting next month. She decided that now would be the best time to start trying to figure out the layout of the nursery. Her and Tyler had already decided what room they wanted it to be but she was still trying to come up with creative ways to make it a dual room for both babies.

Today, the cribs had finally been delivered and she along with her mom were overseeing Tyler and her Dad put them together.

Andre: T, can you hand me the screwdriver?

Tyler: Sure pops.

Cynthia: Shouldn't you two be using the manual to put this together instead of winging it?

Andre: We don't need that manual Cynt. We're men. We got this.

Akeylah: Alright now if my babies get hurt when these cribs fall apart it's gonna be a blood bath.

Tyler: (scoffs) Nothing is going to fall apart Key.

Akeylah: Yeah...I hope not.

Cynthia: While they do that, maybe we should look at some color swatches? Did you have any ideas at all for the color?

Akeylah: I'm struggling between leaving the room white or putting blue and pink somewhere.

Tyler: (sighs) Why blue and pink? It's too cliché.

Cynthia: Hey! You need to focus on putting my grandbabies cribs together.

Tyler: What ma? I'm just saying.

Andre: (rests a hand on Tyler's shoulder) It's best to leave them alone T. Don't wanna start an argument you can't finish.

Tyler smacked his lips as he and Andre continued to work on the crib while Key and her mom went back to their previous conversation.

Akeylah: So...I've been looking at some things on Pinterest to try and get some ideas and I seen this room that was white but had blue and pink accents throughout it.

Cynthia: Do you have a picture so I can see what you're talking about?

Akeylah: Yeah. I pinned it.

She took out her phone and went into the Pinterest app. Then she went to her saved pins and scrolled until she found the picture and showed it to her mom.

Cynthia: No Keeks...

Akeylah: What's wrong with it?

Cynthia: It's too plain to me. You got anything else on here?

Her mom handed the phone back to her and she began to scroll until she stopped at another idea she had liked and showed it to her mom.

Akeylah: What about this ma?

Cynthia: Now this...This is good.

Akeylah: Should I recreate it?

Cynthia: Don't do it piece from piece. If you're gonna do it, make it different. Add more of you into it.

Akeylah: Great! I think the cribs should still be in the center of the room though. I just think that's cute.

There was a sudden thud that caused both of them to turn around.

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