21-The Big Day Pt.2

291 9 14

July 25th, 2024
The Creator Residence
Los Angeles, CA
4:30pm-Akeylah POV
Akeylah: And why the hell are you here??

Michael: Oh I didn't come because I want you back...I came because I fucking hate you!

I tried so hard to stop myself from saying "but I love you". This isn't a "keke" moment. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a gun and everyone started to scream. Tyler instantly jumped in front of me and before he could pull the trigger, Lionel and the others tackled him and Wyatt to the ground. Soon Vil, Anthony, Zander and a few other guards we hired for the day came rushing out of the house and grabbed the both of them once the guys got off of them.

As they were about to be carried away, Wyatt took this as an opportunity to spit in my direction and I actually landed on my face. I bucked to get to him and Tyler quickly snatched me up and held me tightly. Just when He thought he got away with it, My dad rushed up and punched him square in the face before my mom pulled him away as Dark shark ran up and did the same.

Dark Shark: Don't let me catch either one of y'all in the streets! Who the fuck you think you is messing with lil bit!

They were hauled off by security as the crowd quieted down and Tyler wiped my face with my handkerchief. At this point I was violently shaking I was so infuriated. The one day where I wanted peace, I couldn't even have that. Why was my life so drama filled? Am I the pot stirrer??

Tyler: (whispers) We can call this all off if you want.

Akeylah: No...I'm not letting that ruin our day. We've been through too much, waited too long to get here. I just need to calm down...

Tyler: Lionel!

Lionel: Yeah?

Tyler: Can you run in the house and get the cookie dough ice cream out of the freezer?


He went and did as he was asked while Tyler whispered calming and affirming words to calm me down. Once he returned with the pint and a spoon, Tyler opened it then handed it to me. I ate until I felt better then Tracy came and took the remainder back in the house.

Officiant: You two okay now?

We both looked at him and nodded.

Officiant: Is everyone else okay??

The crowd all said yes then the officiant started again.

Officiant: Okay. After that outrageous scene we are going to continue into something positive. As I was saying before, Will you, Akeylah and Tyler's friends and family, surround them in love, offer them the joys of your friendship, and your support in their marriage? If so, respond with we will.

Everyone:...We will...

Everyone was looking around to make sure that no one else was going to pop out. Even the guards were on the fence this time.

Officiant: Okay...Good! It is now time for bride and groom to make a commitment to one another. Akeylah and Tyler, please face each other and join hands.

We turned to each other and joined hands as he instructed. This time there was a seriousness written across both of our faces.

Officiant: Akeylah, do you take Tyler to be your wedded husband? To love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, so long as you both shall live?

Akeylah: (cracks a smile) I do.

Officiant: Tyler, do you take Akeylah to be your wedded wife? To love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, so long as you both shall live?

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