44-And Then There Were...

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April 20th, 2026
Creator Residence
Los Angeles, CA
8:00 pm -Omniscient POV
Akeylah: Tyler it's been damn near a whole month and I could pop any day now, we HAVE to talk about this! I'm literally getting induced TOMORROW!

Tyler: I already told you Akeylah, I'm choosing my wife.

The married couple was currently in the middle of the living room having this spat. For the last month, Akeylah had been trying to change her husband's mind about the decision he had made. She felt as though it was unfair for her unborn children to not have a possible chance at new life just so she could get back to hers. Tyler felt it was unfair of her to want him to be without his wife and raise two kids on his own if something went wrong during delivery. He also felt it would be unfair to his children to be raised without their mother. They both had been expressing this to each other but still couldn't seem to get on the same page.

Tyler: Do you realize what you're asking of me? Like, seriously?

Akeylah: I'm asking you to think about our babies.

Tyler: You're asking me to take care of two newborns ALONE! No one is gonna be here all the time to help out! What am I supposed to do without you Akeylah!? You've been by my side for so long...What am I supposed to do without you?

Akeylah: Ty...

Tyler: Me or them?

Akeylah: Huh?

Tyler: Put yourself in my shoes...Me...or them?

Akeylah: I...I do-I ca-

Tyler: You can't choose. It's impossible. Why make me?

Akeylah: (sighs) I've already explained this to you numerous times...

Tyler: Fuck the hospital then! We'll do the delivery here!

Akeylah: The risk is still the same!

Tyler: Then what the fuck are we supposed to do??

Akeylah: Just hope for the best at this point...You know what. Clearly, we're not on the same page, we're not gonna be on the same page so I'm just gonna throw in the towel. It's whatever at this point.

She began to walk away as Tyler followed behind her.

Tyler: What do you mean by that?

Akeylah: I'm exhausted and I going to bed.

Tyler: No...You know we don't go to bed mad at each other around here.

Akeylah: Well what else can I do Tyler?? We're not on the same page, why would I keep wasting breath??

Tyler: Talking to me is a waste of breath now??

Akeylah: Oh my-Bye Tyler.

She stepped into the elevator and the doors closed as she went up to the next floor. Tyler took the stairs and met her at the door when the elevator arrived.

Tyler: Key. We need to get to an agreement point because we're not doing this.

She kept on walking straight past him and into the nursery to double-check her mommy bag and the bag for the babies one last time to make sure she had everything.

Tyler: So now you're ignoring me?

She pulled out her phone and started to go through her checklist and make sure everything was accounted for.

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