42-If You Don't Know, Now You Know

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March 27th, 2026
KRRL Radio Station
Los Angeles, CA
8:00am-Omniscient POV
It was quite a bit too early for Akeylah to function but Tyler and her had decided to stop by Big Boy's  Neighborhood to talk about her new Essence Magazine cover that has the internet in shambles. They both walked into the studio and were greeted by Big Boy and Natalia.

Big Boy: (hugs Key) Hey!! Long time no see!

Akeylah: (smiles) I know! Things have changed since the wedding obviously.

Natalia: Look at you guys! About to be parents!

Tyler: (chuckles) I know. It's crazy to think about.

Big Boy: What are you two expecting?

Akeylah: A boy and a girl.

Big Boy: Oh shit! Twins?? You know what? If you guys are ready we can go ahead and go live. We're getting too many good details off air.

Everyone laughed as they took their seats and got situated with the audio set up. There was a countdown before they ended up going live.

Big Boy: Goodmorning! Goodmorning! It's Big Boy's Neighborhood and we have some of our favorite folks in the building today, Tyler, The Creator and Ms. Keylah Rose! It's nice to see you guys again.

Akeylah: Glad to be back here. Thank you for having us back.

Natalia: Before we get further into anything, Keylah can we PLEASE get an outfit check. You look so cute and the cameras have to see it. {outfit below👇🏾; not her}

Key got up for a brief second and did an 360 spin before sitting back down

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Key got up for a brief second and did an 360 spin before sitting back down.

Big Boy: Also, a congratulations is in order for you two as you're expecting.

Tyler: Thank you. Seriously man. It's crazy when you think about it.

Big Boy: I'm telling y'all man. The moment that you see that tiny face, hold that tiny hand, it just changes something in you.

Tyler: And I'm ready for that honestly. I just wanna be the very best for my kids.

Akeylah: (tiredly giggles) I was gonna make a Pokémon reference but I'm too tired.

Natalia: I'm obviously not a parent yet so I haven't experienced this but is the constant fatigue true?

Akeylah: Absolutely. I take maybe, 3-4 naps a day on top of sleeping at night

Tyler: (laughs) We can literally be talking or watching something one minute then the next, she's out.

Big Boy: (chuckles) My wife was the same way. She even fell asleep standing in the shower once.

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