3-DTM Pt.2

363 13 5

September 20th, 2023
Keynote Records
Hollywood, CA
1:00pm- Akeylah POV
Sasha: You know, it's funny how you said that you were not doing any performances for this project but here we are fitting you for the VMA's. (laughs)

Akeylah: I mean...it's the VMA's! Plus this is a first for me so this is big to me. Of course I'm not going to pass up this offer-OW!

Sasha: You moved while I was fixing something!

Akeylah: You couldn't had told me??

Sasha: Uh...you're literally lookin at me do it in the mirror sis.

Akeylah: Yeah you're right...and can you loosen up the corset? It's hella constricting.

Sasha: One thing at a time girl! Sheesh!

Kelly: Hey Key.

Akeylah: Yes Kells?

Kelly: I just got a call from the photographer that was supposed to be doing the shoot and he canceled.

Akeylah: What? Did he say why?

Kelly: He had a family emergency.

Akeylah: (sighs)Oh okay. That's unfortunate but now who am I going to get to shoot last minute? I was really trying to get this done today. I want to be able to announce the perfume launch in the next week.

Kelly: I can try and see if I can find someone but I doubt that I will.

Akeylah: Damn it! Wait. Call my friend Janviere Dubois. He's a photographer. Can you see if he's available TODAY! I will pay him handsomely for doing this last minute if he can.

Kelly: Got it.

She walked off and I shook my head.

Akeylah: If it isn't one thing it's another Sash.

Sasha: I get it. This life can get frustrating but you have to try and see the bright side of things. If he's not available, girl I'll go look up how to be a photographer on YouTube and we can get this thang cracking!

Akeylah: (laughs) I love you girl! You just too funny for me!

Sasha: Oh I didn't tell you? I'm a comedian in my spare time.

Kelly: So I have him on the phone now and he wants to know what time today?

I motioned with my hand for Kelly to bring the phone towards me and she did just that and put it on speaker

Akeylah: Hey Jan, is it possible if you could do around 4 today?

Janviere: Uh....I'm actually all clear then. I can do it.

Akeylah: Oh my god!! Thank you so much!! You are a LIFE saver!!

Janviere: (laughs) Okay well is there an specific place that we should be meeting for this shoot?

Akeylah: I'll send you the address to my record label. That's where we'll do it.

Janviere: Okay. I'll be seeing you.

Akeylah: Thanks again!

Janviere: No problem.

Kelly ended the call and turned to walk away.

Akeylah: Kelly. What time is that interview?

Kelly: (looks at her iPad) That is set up for 3:30.

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