29-Birthday Party (Short Filler Chapter)

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June 20th, 2025
Creator Residence
Los Angeles, CA
1:30pm-Tyler POV
Tyler: Akeylah!! Come on! Do you know how bad it would look for the godparents to be late??

Today was Leo's first birthday and a party was being thrown at this indoor playground somewhere in LA. The party starts at 2 and it's already 1:30.

No more than 5 minutes later, Key came rushing down the stairs looking like someone's auntie. {outfit below 👇🏾;not her}

 {outfit below 👇🏾;not her}

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Tyler: Babe. This a one year old's party. Why do you look like you're ready for mimosas?

Akeylah: First of all Sir! I look the part!

Tyler: What part??

Akeylah: Bougie rich auntie! (puts in her shades) Now let's be going.
Under The Sea Indoor Playground
Los Angeles, CA
When we got there, we were about 10 minutes late but it wasn't too bad. We walked in and there were kids running all over the place.

Akeylah: Sheesh. They just come in here and turn em' loose!

Tyler: (nudges her) Key.

Akeylah: (shrugs) Just an observation.

We walked to the back of the place where the party areas were and went into the room where Leo's party was.

Jasper: (smirks) Look who finally showed up.

Tyler: Nigga don't blame me. It was her!

Akeylah: Well throw my a-butt under the bus why dontcha'!

Tyler: (chuckles) Why are you censoring yourself?

Carter: Because there's children here...

Tyler: Y'all acting like they haven't heard worse or said worse.

Domonique: Don't matter T. Tone it down just for the day.

I simply shrugged then held up the bag Key and I brought. Jasper pointed to a table behind me where the rest of the gifts were and I sat it with the other.

Akeylah: Where my baby at?

Janviere: In Tyler's ballsack.

Everyone in the room snickered as I rolled my eyes.

Akeylah: I'm so tired of y'all I don't know what to do.

Jasper: (laughs) He's been in the ball pit since we got here. We can't get him to go anywhere else.

Carter: He really likes the colors.

Akeylah: Y'all know any of these other kids here?

Lionel: Obviously Key.

Malachiah: I brought my nieces and nephews and younger cousins.

Travis: I brought some cousins.

Jasper: We invited a few celebrity friends that had kids.

Tyler: I guess that makes sense now why it's a shit ton of them.

Akeylah: Tyler...

Michelle: Failing already.

Tyler: (smacks his lips) Man fuck these kids. I'm not changing the way I talk for them. I'll be cussing in front of my kids too.

Christina: Remind me not to bring my children around...

Akeylah: Imma go play in the pit with my godson.

Khadijah: (laughing) You are not about take your grown butt over there with them kids.

Akeylah: Watch me! Watch me! (whips and walks out of the room)

Tyler: Is it too late for an annulment...

Domonique: (squares up) I hope the hell you do! I wish you would...

Tyler: Nigga it's a joke. Sit down.

Malachiah: So parents, how has this last year been with Leo.

Khadijah: Yes! Spit some wisdom for us.

Jasper: It's definitely been a challenge but not one that we can't handle together.

Carter: Well I wouldn't say a challenge, Leo was a pretty easy going baby. Didn't really cry unless he was hungry or wet, he fussed a bit when he was gassy or sleepy but nothing bad.

Jasper: Him as a toddler though...EVERYWHERE. In EVERYTHING. ALL THE TIME.

Carter: House is completely baby proofed and he somehow still manages to find new ways to give us a heart attack!

Jasper: Mans literally fell head first in the tub this morning while I was trying to test the waters temperature before putting him in...

Carter: Then proceeded to roll off the bed when I turned to grab his clothes!

Jasper: Tried to climb over the back of the couch and almost fell head first on the floor.

Carter:...We basically have to monitor him every second of the day or he'll be the result of his own demise.

Everyone in the room looked at them with blank expressions on their faces.

Michelle: Yup...another reason why I don't want kids-(covers her mouth)

Janviere: Wait. You don't want kids?

Christina: Uhh...it's not time to cut the cake yet is it??

Tyler: Actually, that ball pit looking kinda tight...

All of us made a dash out of the room before things got heated in there. Speaking from experience, that conversation isn't going to go well at all.

I went over to the ball pit where I found Key and Leo throwing the plastics balls at one another. I squatted beside it and Leo took it upon himself to throw a ball at my face then squealed.

Tyler: Oh you think that was funny huh?

Leo: Yes!

Tyler: Oh okay. Let's see if it's funny when I do this!

I grabbed him out of the pit and flipped him over my shoulder. He giggled and squealed as he hung upside down while I spun in circles. I then softly slammed him back into the ball pit and he was still all giggles.

Akeylah: (laughs) I swear he is by the far the happiest baby I have ever met.

Tyler: (smiles) Yeah. He's pretty cool.

They both looked at me for a second and started pelting me with balls. I got into the pit with them and started throwing some back at them
"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Leo! Happy Birthday to you!!"

Everyone clapped and cheered as Leo tried to blowout the candle but couldn't. Carter and Jasper ended up helping him and he clapped anyways thinking he did it himself.

Looking at how happy he was brought me so much joy. I looked over at Key and seen the excitement in her eyes while looking at Leo. I can't wait for the day we have a family of our own.
{A/N: I meant what I said when I said this was short lol Next chapter will be longer I promise}

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