
268 12 11

April 26th, 2024
Waldorf Astoria Chicago
Chicago, IL
11:56-Tyler POV
Tyler: Finally! I'm tired as fuck!

Janviere: This show was rowdier than the last one.

Lionel: But that shit was fun though.

Clancy: Alright guys. We're all checked in, here's your room keys, I'll see y'all in the morning.

Clancy walked off while the rest of us headed up to our rooms. We were about two weeks into tour. I've hired Janviere to be my video/photographer for the tour and Lionel tagged along just to keep a nigga company. I got to my room and walked inside while looking around. It was spacious as hell with a private terrace that showed the view of Chicago.

I sat down on the bed and scrolled through my contacts and before I could hit the one I wanted, my phone started playing "Let it Burn" and a smile crept onto my face before swiping to answer.

Tyler: Hey.

Akeylah: (giggles) Just hey? No babe or baby behind that? Okay, I see how it is.

Tyler: (rolls his eyes while smiling) Hey baby! Is that better??

Akeylah: Yes! It is actually! I hope that I'm not calling too late.

Tyler: Nah. I just got in this room and was gonna call you anyways.

Akeylah: Beat you to the punch huh?

Tyler: Yeah. Let me facetime you real quick.

Akeylah: Alright.

We ended the phone call and I called her right back via Facetime. She picked up on the second ring flashing her million dollar smile I love so much. I looked at the part of her attire that I could see and chuckled. {her outfit below ;not her}

 {her outfit below ⬇;not her}

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Tyler: You look colorful.

Akeylah: (takes off her shades as she walks into the house) Ha. Ha. Ha. I just got back from the office.

Tyler: Another long day?

Akeylah: As always. How was the show?

Tyler: Shit was more hectic than usual. The pit was fucking sick tonight.

Akeylah: Hmm...I think I actually saw a clip from Lionel. I've been asking him and Jan to keep me posted on the tour life.

Tyler: Why not just ask me?

Akeylah: You're on the stage. You don't see everything that goes on from the audience point of view. I just wanna feel like I'm there in a sense.

Tyler: Shit. I wish you were here. (flips camera around and pans it) I'm in this big ass room all alone. It'd be nice to lay on this bed with you and look at the view.

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