25- Departure

188 10 1

December 20th, 2024
The Creator Residence
Los Angeles, CA
8:00am-Akeylah POV
I slowly walked downstairs as I followed the sweet scent that was coming from the kitchen. I woke up this morning and Tyler was absent from the bed and the sweet smell explains why.

As I walked into the kitchen, I seen a shirtless Tyler tossing a waffle from the skillet into the air and then catching it with the skillet again. He must be making cinnamon waffles today.

I studied the outline of his back as he cooked. The broadness of his shoulders, the way everything flexed when he moved. I swear I felt myself drooling. I even felt myself getting a little worked up until he turned around snapping me back to reality.

Tyler: You good?

Akeylah: Y-Yeah. I'm straight.

He then looked at me with a brow raised and snickered.

Tyler: And that was a lie.

Akeylah: (smacks her lips) You know damn well that's not what I meant. Oh! I've been meaning to ask, can we have a girlfriend?

Tyler:(plating the food) Nope!

Akeylah: A boyfriend?

Tyler: I am NOT sharing my wife with none of these niggas! Man or woman! You don't even have time for all that anyways.

Akeylah:(sighs) I agree...c-

Tyler: Why do you wanna experiment all of a sudden?

Akeylah: (shrugs) I don't know. It's always been something in the back of my mind but I've always been stingy with my partners.

Tyler: Maybe after we've already retired and our kids are grown.

Akeylah: Why we gotta be that old??

Tyler: Hey! Old niggas be getting down!

Akeylah: Tyler. There is nothing sexy about viagra...

Tyler: So you still expect me to get it up when I'm 80?

Akeylah: I'm sure we won't even be thinking about sex by then.

Tyler: Speak for yourself nigga. Now eat.

He pushed a plate towards me as he began to eat from his own. I cut into my waffles and took a bite while humming.

Akeylah: These have always been my favorite of yours!

Tyler: Really? Why didn't you say anything? I could've been making them for you every day.

Akeylah: Because I don't want them every day. I enjoy your other breakfast hits too. This is just my favorite. Thank you for cooking baby.

I planted a kiss on his cheek then went to wipe it off but he stopped me.

Akeylah: (giggles) Ty. You have lipstick on your face.

Tyler: (smiles) Leave it! When I go out today I want niggas to know I've been marked by my wife.

Akeylah: (shakes her head) You really are something else.

Tyler: But you love me though.

Akeylah: I do.

It got quiet as we ate our breakfast and I slowly felt myself drifting into a funk. Today was my last day as CEO of my label before everyone went on vacation for the holidays and I was bummed about it. I loved what I did but I knew it was being left in great hands. I've spent the last 5 months now training Trinity and after today, she'll be HBIC.

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