15-Special Delivery

246 11 7

June 19th, 2024
Creator Residence
Los Angeles, CA
10:30pm-Akeylah POV
My phone was constantly buzzing on my night stand which caused me to wake from my slumber. I tiredly picked it up and answered it to Jasper in a panic.

Akeylah: (mumbles) Jasper? What's going on??

Jasper: Carter is in labor! I'm literally speeding to the hospital right now!

Akeylah: Oh okay uhh...did you call your families??

Jasper: Nah! I thought to call you first!

Akeylah: Me??

Jasper: You and T are the Godparents! I called y'all first!

Akeylah: Okay...did you grab the bags??

Jasper: Yeah! We got everything. Just PLEASE meet us at the hospital!

Akeylah: Which one??

Jasper: LA Community.

Akeylah: Got it! Don't worry! Y'all got this!!

We ended the call and I immediately began to shake Tyler awake.

Tyler: (mumbles) What nigga?

Akeylah: We got to go! NOW!

Tyler: (sits up slowly) What??

Akeylah: (gets out of bed) Carter is in labor. Jasper and her are on the way to the hospital. We have to go!

Tyler: Why are we going??

Akeylah: We're the godparents! We have to be there!

Tyler: Oh...Right.

We both rushed to throw on some clothes then rushed out of the house and got into Tyler's E30 to head to the hospital.

When we got there, the receptionist told us where to go and we followed her instructions until we made it to the room. I knocked on the door then walked in.

Akeylah: Hey. How's everything going?

Jasper: She's dilated 3cm already is what the doctor told us.

Tyler: So how long until the baby is here?

Carter: Could be hours...(winces in pain) But hopefully soon.

Tyler: Do you want anything to eat or drink??

Carter:(laughs a little) I cant have any REAL food T. Only liquids and shit like applesauce and Jell-o

Tyler: Well shit. Do you want any of that shit?

Carter: If you can find some popsicles, those would be nice.

Tyler: Cool.

He left the room and it was just the three of us.

Akeylah: (smiles) I still can't believe this is even happening.

Jasper: (smiles) Me either. I'm so close to holding my son. My first born. This is amazing.

Carter: I wish I could say the same...

Akeylah: You're only not excited because you're in pain right now. I bet once you hold his little hand you'll feel better.

Carter: I'm still surprised that they didn't induce me and make me have a C-Section.

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