34-Honeymoon Pt.5

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August 12th, 2025
Windward Pavilion Villa
Whitsunday Island, Australia
2pm-Akeylah POV
I had been in a slight panic for the last few days but I did very well hiding it from Tyler. We had already been out about for a while and had just gotten back to our hotel room to try and rest up before going out again.

Last week on Friday was the 8th of August. I should have gotten my period last Friday on the 8th. Every month like clockwork, it came...on the 8th! Never early, never late, ALWAYS the 8th! Maybe I'm just stressed for some reason? That could be it right? Or maybe something that I ate? Is that possible?

Just incase though, I managed to sneak off from Tyler for a brief second while we were out and got three pregnancy tests. I wasn't exactly sure if this was the reason my period hasn't showed up but I wanted to tests my theories.

When Tyler was knocked out, finally taking his nap, I went into the bathroom and prepared all three tests of different brands. I was super nervous but I knew that if I just did it and got my nerves out of the way that I wouldn't feel as scared.

I went through the steps as far as taking the tests then I sat and waited for 5 minutes. During that time, I just sat and thought everything over.

"Would we have to end the trip if I turn up pregnant?"

"Are we ready for a baby right now?"

"Are we prepared enough for a baby?"

"What would be good names?"

"What if it's a boy?"

"What if it's a girl?"

"Will I be good enough to be a mom?"

Just as more questions burned into my head, the timer for the tests went off. I quickly tried to dead it before it woke up Tyler. I took a deep breath in and out before saying a small prayer to God. I then grabbed on pregnancy test and there were two lines.

I grabbed the box it came out of and the two lines meant PREGNANT. I sat that one down and quickly picked up the second one, it read clear as day PREGNANT. I picked up the last one and it showed a "+" symbol. I looked on the box it came in to decode the symbol and sure enough PREGNANT.

Things started to make sense in my head now but I was still in shock but also happy. My eyes welled up with tears but I held in my cries of joy. Again, I didn't want to wake my husband. As I sat on the lid of the toilet, I tried to think of all the ways that I could tell him.

After a while of sitting in the bathroom, crying of excitement to myself, I decided the move I was going to make. I gathered myself then walked out of the bathroom and looked around the room for something to write with. Then I remembered that Tyler carried a Sharpie with him at times. I looked in his bag and luckily he had it with him.

With that sharpie, I took the receipt that showed the pregnancy tests I purchased and wrote out "So which guest room is becoming the nursery because baby creator needs a place to stay after I evict them" on it. Sure this was as simple as it could get but something intimate and small like this will be cherished more than something extra and big. After that, I laid it on his chest and simply laid down next to him, feeling my eyes become heavier.
Tyler POV
Turning over, I woke up from that much needed nap to see Key fast asleep next to me. I smiled and kissed her on the temple before getting up. I heard a crunching sound so I got up and saw a piece of paper with writing on it. I picked it up and read it...then I read it again, and again, and again. I couldn't quite process what was being read off in my head. I shook it off and walked into the bathroom. There lie three pregnancy tests I looked at the boxes for clarification and they were all positive...PREGNANT. I couldn't stop smiling when I read it. This was it, I was finally starting my family with the woman I love. I was finally gonna be a dad. I'm gonna be a fire one too. my kid never gonna have to question my love for him or her.

They'll be loved, well taken care of and want for nothing in this world. I'll give them everything they want and more. I'll give them the damn world if I can. I did my business in the bathroom and washed my hands then walked out the bathroom and over to the bed. Key was laid out on her back still sound asleep. I cautiously got back into the bed and rested my head on her stomach. One of my hands caressed the side of it while I planted soft kisses onto it.

The feeling must've woke her up because I suddenly felt both of her hands on my head as they gently caressed it.

Akeylah: You know...

Tyler: (smiles up at her) I know...and I couldn't be happier.

Akeylah: Are we calling it on the trip now?

Tyler: Nah. We can still travel. It's just some things we'll have to cut out doing now. I know how much you wanted to go to Disneyland in Shanghai so we'll still do that but after that, we'll have to chill.

Akeylah: I know. Believe me when I say that nothing is more important to me than you and protecting our unborn child.

Tyler: And nothing is more important to me than protecting the both of you. (kisses her stomach) Do you have a doctor for this back home? We should probably call.

Akeylah: I don't. I would've had to been home to be able to make an appointment to see one and be appointed and OB/GYN.

Tyler: Fuck. Can't go to any doctors while we're gone...We'll just have to play it as safe as possible.

Akeylah: I agree. Should we call and tell anyone back home?

Tyler: Nah. We'll figure something out when we get back. For now, this is our secret.

Akeylah: (smiles) I love you so much. You're gonna be a great daddy.

Tyler: (smiles) I love you too. You're gonna be a great mom.

I sat up and placed a small kiss on her lips. I couldn't be any happier in this moment. It was as if all of the puzzle pieces were finally fitting together.

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