2-DTM Pt.1

441 12 1

September 15th, 2023
The Creator Residence
Los Angeles, CA
10:00am - Akeylah POV
Akeylah: Okay uh...do I have everything?

Checking my purse and doing a once over of the room for a final time, I headed downstairs and out the door. Today I was meeting up with Tracy at her office to figure out the floor plan for the wedding and brush on the topic of the potential set up. It was basically going to be a whole ass road trip since it was two hours from here but I felt comfortable enough to take it I was sure I wouldn't run in any papz out there.

I was going alone due to Tyler being on promo tour for "CMO" for the next two weeks. It sure would've been nice if he was here too but you can't always have what you want.

I decided to take the my Model X today since I haven't driven it in a while and I probably was gonna mentally check out and hour into the drive.
Tracy's Office Building
Brea, CA
I finally made it the office. As I was getting out of the car, my phone started playing "Sometimes" letting me know it was Tyler calling. I grabbed my phone out of my person and seen that it was a facetime call and answered it.

Tyler: (smiles) Hey baby.

Akeylah: Hi babe. Now isn't a good time. I'm about to meet with Tracy.

Tyler: I have an hour free before the next stop, just take me with you.

Akeylah: I don't know Ty. You don't think that seems a bit weird?

Tyler: (shrugs) No.

Akeylah: (sighs) Fine. Just remember that you ARE technically around other people so don't say anything...WILD.

Tyler: What like how I'm gonna bend you over the kitchen counter when I get back? (smirks)

Akeylah: Tyler...I will hang up on you right now.

Tyler: (chuckles) I'll chill. I promise.

Akeylah: Tyler..

Tyler: I swear.

Akeylah: Okay.

I finally got out of the car and walked into the building and straight to the front desk.

Akeylah: Hi, I have an 12 o'clock with Tracy.

Receptionist: Can I have your name please?

Akeylah: Akeylah Rose.

The receptionist nodded her head and picked up the phone to call Tracy.

Receptionist: Yes Ms. Bowles, your 12 o'clock is here...okay. She's ready for you. Just go down the hall and it's the third door on the right.

Akeylah: (smiles) Thank you.

I began to walk to where she told me when Tyler began to speak and I jumped extra hard.

Tyler: (laughs) Nigga why did you just jump?

Akeylah: I forgot your ass was on the phone.

Tyler: Oh well, I was just about to ask you why you were talking like that?

Akeylah: Like what?

Tyler: Your voice went from it's regular tone to this high pitched ass one.

Akeylah: (shrugs) Oh. Code switching. If you don't know what that is I have no time to explain.

I made it to the door and knocked on it before I heard her say I could come in.

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