Chapt. 78: Let Us Handle It

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Days had passed and the village was almost repaired in full. During these days, Kurami spent her time with everyone, even though she was an introvert. She walked around the village with Shikamaru.

Helped Ino at the flower shop.

Eat some food with Choji, although it was more of him eating more than her.

Learning about bugs with Shino.

Having sweet girl talk with Hinata.

Played with Akamaru while Kiba watched her.

Stayed with Sai and watched as he brought his paintings to life, and Sai wanted to help Kurami in her recovery of trauma, so it was nice of him to do so.

Watched Lee do intense Training with Gai, watched Neji and Tenten train, and spent most of her time with Kakashi. She was creating new memories with everyone and she saw no problem with it. She was starting to enjoy it, but she wouldn't say.

Right now, she was in Kakashi's house sitting on the couch while gazing out the window. Silent as she was because Naruto was on her mind. She hasn't seen him since the attack on the village. But Shikamaru did tell her that he was training. But for this long?

'By the way... Who was that man with the orange mask?... I should have asked Itachi about him... I don't remember meeting him, but he knows me... A bit too well...' Kurami pended through her thoughts as she thought about Tobi/Obito.

"Kurami, I'm home." Kakashi calls out from the front door.

"Welcome back, Kakashi..." She said in a whisper.

"What's wrong? You seem upset."

"Nothing." Kurami shook her head. "Where's Naruto?"

"Did you look for him?" He questioned and Kurami nodded her head. "And he's nowhere to be found. He must be still on his mission then."

"Mission?" Kurami repeated.

"Oh... That's right. Sometime after the battle with the Akatsuki, he recovered quickly and went back to searching for Sasuke."

"Oh..." Kurami frowned. In a way, she knew that Naruto would go back out and search for Sasuke to bring him back to the village. But, she there wasn't anything she could do to change Naruto's mind about Sasuke.

She knows Sasuke won't come back, and Naruto considers him as his best friend and also his rival. So what could she do to bring back Sasuke? All she cares about is Naruto.

"I want to speak to Itachi Uchiha?." She spoke out, causing Kakashi to blink.

"Hm? Why?"

"There was another man... Another Akatsuki member... Who might know about Sasuke too."

"You mean his partner?"

"No." Kurami shook her head. "He was wearing an orange mask. I don't think that's Itachi's partner. But... This man also knows about me, and might know something about Sasuke."

"And what makes you so sure about that?"

"...Because of his eyes. They too hold the sharingan..." Kurami whispered out, causing Kakashi's eyes to widen. "During my mission... We encountered a few times and I manage to look through his mask... He also has the eyes of the sharingan... to know about me, but I've never met him before. If I did, I would have recalled it in my first life."

"What makes you think Itachi knows something about this guy?"

"Just...a feeling..."

"I still don't think this is a good idea. I mean, I will take you to speak with Itachi, but what will you do afterwards? Are you going to go after Naruto? And why do you care if this other Akatsuki member remembers you or knows about you?"

"Because I don't know him myself, Kakashi. Don't you find it a bit dangerous?" Kurami tilted her head.

Of course he finds this dangerous. He cares for Kurami dearly and worries about her safety constantly. "Of course I do... But what will you do?"

"I don't know yet... But... I don't like this feeling. The feeling that he knows me and I don't know him... It's unsettling and it...worries me."

"Kurami... You just got out of a dangerous situation yourself. You need to rest more. Let us handle it, alright? You don't have to do everything on your own, you know."

"I know, but-"

"Kurami," Kakashi called her out again, this time in a more serious tone. "Please. Let us handle it."

"Okay..." She sighed in defeat.


I'm sorry for making it short again :(

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