Chapt. 29: The Penalty

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"Kurami Kurosawa... What's happened to you? I had no idea something like this would happen... How is that possible?" Kakashi couldn't wrap his head around what he discovered. 

Him and Kurami were still on top of the Hokage mountain. Kurami was sitting on her knees facing Kakashi as he tried to calm down, or try to remain calm. 

"You were hurt so badly that you decided to end your own life... Then you came back as if you were given a second chance. That's how you know everything. Did you this age? The age you are now?" 

Kurami frowned at him and glanced over before shrugging her shoulders. But she shook her head, answering his question. Kurami killed herself as she was becoming a teen. 

"You went on unnoticed and you still kept a smile on your face. You fought back, but more battles came your way... It led you to depression and suicidal thoughts... How could I not have seen this before?... I'm so sorry, Kurami..." 

"Mmm...." Kurami hummed and shook her head, as if she was telling him that it was alright. Because nobody knew about her pain because she couldn't go to anybody no matter how many times she has tried. 

Kakashi wanted to ask her so many questions, but he knew that she would remain silent. "Kurami, I-" 

Kurami suddenly gasps sharply as her eyes widened in pain. Kurami curled her body as she was grunting in agony. 

"Kurami! What's wrong!?" Kakashi caught her before she fell forward to the ground. Kurami panted and tried to breathe from the sudden pain she was feeling. 

Slowly, bruises, scratches, and cuts began to form on her bodies, even though nobody was doing this to her. 

Kakashi's eyes widened at this when he saw the injuries suddenly appearing. Kurami continued to grunt in pain as her eyes stay widened. A cut made its way onto her cheek as bruising appeared on her arms, her shoulders, and her stomach. 

After Kurami groaned loudly in pain, she fainted. Kakashi held her in his arms and rushed her to the hospital. He waited outside of her room as nurses treated her wounds. 

As Kurami was unconscious at the moment, she was meeting with Death in her head. The atmosphere was dark and painted with nothing but black. 

When she opened her eyes she found herself lying on a cold surface. She sat herself up and stood up before looking around to figure out where she was. "The agreement was not to expose yourself. Look what you've done to yourself." Death appeared standing in front of her. 

"What happened to me?" She questioned. 

"You exposed yourself to Kakashi and he figured you out. I didn't think I would have to explain the penalty if you were to tell anybody." 


"I think I made myself perfectly clear when I told you that you couldn't expose yourself to others when I granted you a 2nd life. There is always a price to pay once you are given something. I figured you were smart enough to know that." 

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