Chapter 7 - A secret

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Adam's POV

I woke up early and went to talk with our tour bus driver. "Please stop in the next city you gotta rest and I have something to do." I told Nate the driver and he nodded. I got up and headed back to bed only to find lilly awake panicking. "Adam, Adam, Adam!" She kept repeating in a rushed whisper. I opened the curtains and stepped in. "Lilly are you ok?" I asked her and she jumped surprised to find me standing there in front of her.

"I thought you'd left." She said with her face down trying to hide her tears. I sat besides her and she rested her head on my lap crying silently while I ran my fingers thru her silky soft hair. "I was just telling the driver to stop at the next town. I wanna get you some clothes and shoes cuz I noticed you didn't bring any with you." I said waiting for her answer. "You don't have to get me anything." Her voice just above a whisper.

"I know I don't but I want too so there's no arguing about it, ok?" I said softly taking her hand in mine "Brad is actually gonna take you. I trust him and he's the one with the fashion sense." I said with a small laugh. She stayed quiet for a few minutes before raising her head "I'm not really fit for fashion." She said her voice low and her eyes down cast.

"Nonsense lilly your beautiful..." I began and saw her eyes flicker with surprise. "I've never really been called beautiful by anyone." She said her voice slowly rising with her temper like a volcano about to erupt.'Dont worry we're just talking, don't come in' I quickly sent the message out to the band thru our mind link anticipating a very heated discussion. "Everyone always treated me like trash! They hit me! They teased me! They insulted me! My [she scoffs] family started praticlly ignoring me when my mother got pregnant with her biological kid." She yelled.

"Then of course my asshole of a mate treated me like trash and he hid me away like he was embarrassed of me! Come to find out he was already mated and married!" She kept ranting on non-stop her voice become lower as she continued. "But it was Jeremy's betrayal that..." she gasped taking in a shallow breath. "He destroyed my trust. He lied and insulted me! He used me and then denied the fact that he even knew me!"She yelled in a whisper and broke down crying.

'Does she not feel our connection?' I thought my heart hurting from seeing her in pain and the realization that Jeremy meant so much to her. I picked her up from the floor and she didn't even move. I layed her on the bed and stayed with her till she fell asleep again. 'Adam' I heard Brad calling me thru the mind link 'She ok?' He asked me for the whole band but I knew they meant was is IT over.'yea, ill explain later.' I answered him.

I left lilly sleeping peacefully while I went to talk with everyone. "Sooo..." Brad said finally breaking the silence that had fallen over the whole group. The bus had finally stopped in a town and the driver was sleeping just like lilly. "Brad could you go into town and buy her some clothes size thirteen nothing too girly or I'm pretty sure she'd strangle you." I said kinda rushed but Brad got the message and got ready to head out as a favor to me. "Just enough but not too much, use my card." I said and he nodded.

When he left I continued. "I would like her to stay with us in cali but I won't just force her on you guys." I said looking around at the group while they looked at each other then at me. "I guess what I'm saying is I want you guys to vote. Do you want her to stay with us or not?" I asked them unsure of what there decision would be. They looked at each other and nodded. "She can stay with us Adam. She is after all your mate and you'd do the same for us." Joe said while everyone else nodded in agreement. "Sure?" I asked them.

"Yes." They said in unision and I smiled. "Ill ask Brad what he thinks when he gets back after all he is part of our pack and as such deserves a say in this." I told them and dismissed them to go back to whatever they wanted to do till Brad got back. I waited for Adam in my bedside with lilly. A couple hours later Brad arrived with some clothes, shoes, and underwear for her. "Yes." He said as he placed the bags and boxes besides me. I looked at him my eyebrow raised in a questioning look.

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