What the Frik are the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 4

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Authors Note: I am so sorry for not updating! Please don't be angry with me! I was busy, but that's no excuse!

Chapter 4

Alyson POV

                I snuggle down into Akamaru’s soft, white, fur before sliding down to the ground.  I look over at Deidara to see his hair in two complexly braided buns being appraised by a smug looking Tsukii.

               I giggle out loud at the scene and Kiba looks over at me curiously and looks over to Deidara and Tsukii as well, and his face drops to exasperation. He walks over to our door, muttering something about “That damn girly man and his feminine habits.”

              I overhear Gai and Lee discussing our house, er, mansion.

              “It’s so beautiful sensei! It’s so huge! There must be many training rooms!" Lee cries out loudly.

              “That it is, Lee!” Gai continues, even louder than Lee, “Many, many training rooms I assume, I wouldn’t doubt it looking at the beautiful blossoms that own it! So much youth!”

               ‘What?’ I think, ‘They’re so confusing.’

              “Gai calm down,” Kakashi urges, “They may think you are some kind of a pedophile and not let us stay with them. Let’s not get them thinking that we have creepy habits.  Right guys?”

             “Yeah right!” Naruto shouts back at him, “What about your pervy book, Kakashi Sensei? Who’s the perv now?”  Matsuri grabs his hair and drags him down an inch or two until they’re nose to nose,

           “STOP SHOUTING, IDIOT! YOU’RE PISSONG ME OFF! WE ALL KNOW HE’S A PERV!” Kakashi, I notice, looks a bit offended at this.

            “WHAT? DO YOU HAVE ANGER MANAGEMENT OR SOMETHING? Naruto yells in reply, his temper flaring as well.

             “MAYBE I DO! ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT?” Matsuri continues the fight.


             “You. Shut up.” Gaara voices, pointing to Naruto, irritation lurking in his voice. “And you…. Take your freaking medication. Before I kill you both.”

            Naruto’s normally pink face instantly turns pale and he nervously fidgets with his headband. Matsuri, however, turns to Gaara and says in a threatening tone:

            “Insult, threaten, annoy, or interrupt me one more time, and I’ll taze you again. And kick your ass. Fist to fist. No sand. No ninjutsu tricks. Anytime, anywhere. Got it, Panda Chan?”

           Is she an idiot? No. I would probably do that too. Maybe. After he knew me well. Yeah, she’s an idiot.

          Gaara seethes at the nickname, but shoots back warningly,

          “Fine. Next time you piss me off, I’ll kill you. No holding back.”

          The tension in the air disappears as I break out singing ‘A few of my favorite things’ from the Sound of Music. Tsukii just shakes her head and mutters ‘troublesome’.

          After I finish the song, Kiba claps weakly and I bow to my bored audience. I unlock the door, and gesture that they all go in. They all crowd around the door nervously, as if looking for a trap.           Except for Tsukii, Matsuri and I. Oh, and Naruto runs straight into the kitchen, and quickly approaches a long forgotten hazard.

       “Naruto, wait!” I call out, but it doesn’t do any good. The three of us wince as he steps on my dead mupcake, slips, and face plants into it.




      “What the Hell?” Naruto vents, “Who leaves a cupcake on the floor?”

      “First off, troublesome idiot, it’s a mupcake, it stands or Morning Cupcake. Don’t disrespect it, or Alyson will kill you.” Tsukii replies coldly, positioning herself on the counter. “And she left it on the floor because she dropped it. Stupid.”

       I quickly compose myself to refrain from laughing. “All right!” I say, slipping into in my best tour guide voice and heading up the stairs with the others following me, “Naruto and Sasuke, you’ll share the room in the very back on the left side.” Surprisingly they don’t complain. I continued, “Gaara and Deidara, you both will occupy the very back room on the right.”  Now they did complain.

       “Why the Hell do I have to share a room with him?” Deidara cries out angrily.

       “Just shut up.” Was Gaara’s reply to Deidara.

       “Ooooookaaaaay. Now Gai and Kakashi will stay in the room to the side of Naruto’s and Sasuke’s room.” I laugh evilly. The two turn away from each other in disgust.  

       “No.” says Kiba, turning to look at who was left. “You honestly can’t make me share a room with Lee. I’ll be your slave for a month. Please!” So tempting. So very tempting.

        “That means Kiba stays with you.” Matsuri interrupts my thoughts of ‘so very tempting’.  So very temp- “NO!” I cry out. “You. Will. Stay. With. Lee.”

        “Oh,” I add on, “Akamaru stays with me. No arguing or I take away the other bed in your room and you two will have to share.” Kiba positively growls at this, but you know, life isn’t fair.

          “Hey hey hey!” Naruto begs for attention, “Which rooms are yours?”

          “Can’t you tell?” Gaara says, “The door with all the dents is Matsuri’s, the door with the bunny on it is Alyson’s, and the other door… Kami, it’s obviously Tsukii’s.”

            Tsukii’s door had ‘stay out troublesome people’ on a piece of paper stuck to it.


           Matsuri and Naruto both bend over and clutch at their stomachs in agony.

          “Need…” Naruto begins.

         “Fooooooood…’ ends Matsuri.

         “To the store we go!’ I sing out loudly, “The store the store the store the store, to the store we go!”

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