What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? chapter 25

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Later that Afternoon… In the training room…

Kiba pov:

“I HATE THE FREAKIN BRITISH!!!!!!!!!” Deidara, Gaara, and I shout simultaneously.

I send a human sized beetle flying while Deidara kicks down a tree and Gaara rips the ivory tusks off of a rhinoceros.

“Feel our pain, Mother Nature!” I scream in fury.

“Wait….We’ve thrown bombs, insulted the British, and hurt innocent creatures of Mother Nature. I say we do as the girls do when they’re sad!” Deidara exclaims.

“What do they do?” Gaara asks cautiously.

“EAT FREAKING ICE CREAM!” I finish for Deidara, “And watch sappy movies!”

“……… Oh Hell no!” Gaara rejects, “Horror and action movies.”

“Yesh, we can get ideas for the Brits out of the horror ones!” I enthuse.

We log out of the game, grab the Brits wallets and make for the front door.

“Where do you think you guys are going?” Alyson calls from the living room, hanging out with Nick on the couch.

 “We’re going to get…video games!” I lie quickly, as we escape to the streets.

30 minutes later at the check out line…

“Now tell me again why you’re getting eleven gallons of ice cream each and enough horror and action movies for the entire weekend, with some one else’s wallet?” The cashier asks dubiously.

“The girls we….l-l-l-l—you know what we mean! Are now dating British people! We took the Brits money, tell us you feel our pain!”

“I see,” the cashier sympathizes, “My wife is still in love with British men, consider it all half off!”

“No!” I shout, “Double it! It’s not our money!”

“In that case…Consider it tripled…and grab some sake while you’re at it!”

Later that day…

“Bring my body back, will you Harry?” Cedric Diggory asks from the TV.

“Look at the British guy die!” Deidara exclaims happily.

“Die Cullen! Die, die, die!” The girls yell from behind us.

“Twilight, same actor,” Tsukii explains.

“Why are you traitors here?” I cry.

“Traitors?” Alyson asks innocently, “Well, we were saying good bye before going out on dates….. With the Brits. It’ll be really fun, too bad you can’t make it…Well, bye!” she finishes cheerfully as the three Brits come in.

“Shall we be leaving, loves?” They ask and they smile and nod.

Turning up the volume, a lot.

“A British guy just died,” Gaara laughs, and the Brits recognize the actor.

“Oh, but the actor didn’t die! So he’s actually perfectly alive and well,” Rick explains.

“Well, he’s dead in the movie!” I burst out.

“Okay, mate…We’ll be leaving you to your movies then,” and they exit, the girls following behind them.

“Damn the Brits…” We mutter in unison.   

“What say we watch Friday the Thirteenth?” I ask, ready for anything. The others turn to me with sadistic smiles upon their faces.

Partially into the movie…

“You know,” Gaara starts, “I feel kinda bad for Jason…He thought it was right to kill those people, because of his mom…” Deidara and I stare at him strangely and he asks, “What?”

“We agree,” Deidara and I say.

“Strange, we’re all very different… And I mean very different,” the two look at me meaningfully and Gaara continues, “and yet, here we are. Sad, alone, pathetic, eating ice cream and watching people die.”

“Is this normal for you?” Deidara mocks me.

“Sorry, I don’t act like you, Deidara,” I jibe back.

“Ladies, will you please shut it? No, I don’t love you guys, yes, I lied to, your corset makes you look fat, Deidara; I’ve never met Pizzaro, but I love his pies, which all pales to utter insignificance in light of the fact that Jason just killed another person. Don’t hit me or I kill you both.” Gaara quotes Captain Jack Sparrow, but slightly differently. He and Deidara start laughing and I point out, “He said that you wear a corset, you tranny.”

He blanches and is about retort when we hear splash from the movie and the two main characters were impaled by Jason.

“That was actually kind of depressing…” I mumble, “Since when are horror movies depressing?”

Quick Flash into the Naruto World…

“ohmykami, ohmykami,  ohmykami,  ohmykami, I give up! I’m never watching a horror movie again!” Kankuro wails to Temari, who looks impassively over at him.

Back to…..us...

Deidara was picking up his fifth gallon of ice cream when Gaara was pressing the ‘eject’ button, but he must have pressed a different one by accident because, all of a sudden, the screen went fuzzy grey and then…oh my Kami! It’s the girls on their dates with the Brits! Gaara mutters, “We can spy on them…”

“Lets!” I encourage, and the other two nod.

But after a half hour of spying, it was starting to really tick us off….

Gaara mumbles, “This is even worse than watching horror and action movies. They’re all so….loving….”

“I know…..it’s sickening,” I agree.

“I wish I was British…” Deidara moans, and we stare at him in surprise, but we silently agree  


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