Museums with them

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Requested by Riddles_Bitch enjoy <3


He's too impatient and wants to go to the gift store

Won't appreciate the art with you

But he also doesn't want to leave you, so he just has to wait while you take your time


Doesn't understand the art

To be fair, neither do you, but he keeps trying to find a meaning

Even when the painting is literally of a field of cows


He makes fun of the paintings

But he does enjoy the dinosaur fossil section

You have to make sure he doesn't knock anything over


He saw a painting of a fluffy white dog and took a picture to show Rat

You just pretend that she's gonna understand that

He buys a toy for her in the gift shop as well


Is surprisingly knowledgeable on everything

He ends up being a guide for you

You just don't question why he knows so much about prehistoric dinosaur fossils


Points out a fossil that kinda looks like a dick

And tries to keep coming back to it

You just want to enjoy the museum


You two take your time looking at everything

In fact, the museum staff are confused as to why you're staring at prehistoric pottery so much

You don't know why either, but for some reason it's fun


Acts like everyone in the paintings is related to him

"That's my great-great-great-great aunt twice removed, Bertha."

You just pretend you believe him


She takes pictures of you

And when you ask why, she says because you're "a piece of art."

You make sure to do the same for her


Gets bored ten minutes in

But perseveres for you

Watched you get excited over a sheep painting to keep her happy


Gets excited when there's even a hint of a fox

"Look, that's me!"

You buy him a plushie fox just to humour him


Knows way too much about everything

You have to stop him mid-ramble about the greeks so you can buy lunch

But you enjoy his commentary


They really enjoy the trip

Buys an album of all the paintings in the museum so he can display them

You're just excited to see how they decorate with them


Lets himself get dragged around

Nods politely whenever you point out something to him

Lights up when you finally get to the gift shop


He prefers the other exhibits to the paintings

Thinks the paintings are pretentious

The dinosaurs are best

(A/N-100th chapter...that's all everyone, i hope you enjoyed this series <3)

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