"Weird" things they do

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Requested by thelibrarypenguin i hope you enjoy!! also pls don't be offended by me calling these "weird", i do quite a few of these things as well lmao :))


Singing minecraft parody songs

You walked in on him singing to the mirror once and have never let go of it

He just finds it so fun


Talking like he's in a youtube video...during normal activities

You always get so confused when he starts rating the food you just made as if there's a camera

He always rates it a 10/10


Puts the cereal box in the fridge

No matter how many times you ask him not to, he always gets the cereal and milk mixed up

You just have to make sure the milk doesn't go bad


Eats the strangest food combinations

You don't even want to talk about it

It's horrifying and you refuse to eat anything he makes


Eating ramen noodles raw

He insists it's better that way

You refuse to believe it, but he still eats it like that anyway


Acting out scenes he sees in shows with you

You find it funny and he always takes the dramatic roles

You can't even count the number of times he's roped you into some tragic death scene


Biting you

You'll literally be cuddling and he'll randomly bite your shoulder or something

Very random, but you're not scared to retaliate


Talks in detail about hypothetical escape plans

He has one for everything-if there's a fire, a flood, a tsunami, an earthquake, if he gets kidnapped, if you get kidnapped, etc

At least you know he'll be prepared if something does happen


Apologising to furniture

She says sorry whenever she collides into something...for about ten minutes

You always end up walking in on her apology and feeling a little awkward


Acting as if anything that annoys her is alive

Is the computer not working? She's yelling at it like it can understand her

You've listened to her rant at a table before, and somehow manage to not laugh


Hitting you with random things

Gently, of course, but it's still shocking when you get tapped with something like a mop, for example

It usually ends up in a "sword fight" and he lets you win


Inventing backstories for people

The English major in him just likes to create stories about people he sees

He has a whole connected universe and keeps you updated


Feeding you random food

It's usually a recipe they've tried out, but they won't even ask before shoving it into your mouth

The food's good...you just wish they'd give it to you nicely (they're lucky they have pretty privilege)


Ignoring all the food in the house to steal yours

You cannot eat anything without him taking at least half of it

And he's so sneaky with it that you never realise

(A/N-thank you for reading, ily all <33 i hope you enjoyed!!)

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