Walking in on you changing

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Requested by Quietclub pls enjoy! 


Opens the door and just freezes in complete shock

Then shuts the door as fast as he can

He apologises like ten thousand times after



And then slams the door, leaving you very confused

You're honestly not quite sure how to react


Tries to make a joke, but you chuck a pillow at his face

You give him a lecture about knocking first

He doesn't listen


Blushes bright red

Slams the door shut and yells out an apology

Promises to knock next time


Acts like he just didn't walk in on you

Raises an eyebrow and smirks when you yell at him to get out

Stops smiling when you throw multiple things at him


Closes the door pretty much immediately

Then you can just hear laughter from behind it

He's hysterical by the time you walk out


He covers his face with his hands

Tries to walk back out the door (accidentally walks into it a few times)

He can barely make eye contact with you for a while after


Either doesn't notice or doesn't care that you're changing

Just starts talking like you're having a normal conversation

"Wilbur, GET OUT!"


Yells that she's sorry and then slams the door shut

You can hear her literally running away

It's a little endearing


Starts calling you hot

You're flattered, but would also appreciate if she left

You have to push her out the room


He stares at the floor

Mumbles out an apology and slowly backtracks out the room

Refuses to stop looking at the floor until the door is completely shut



You have to snap him out of whatever daze he's in

Awkwardly waves and then leaves


They do a u-turn right out of the room

Makes sure to apologise afterwards

They make a mental note to always knock


"Lookin' good-"

You throw a pillow at his face and tell him to get out

He laughs at you, but does exactly that


Doesn't know what to do

Gives you an awkward thumbs-up

He admits that maybe you slamming the door in his face was deserved

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