How they propose

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Requested by 1-800ohyral i hope you enjoy!


Proposed somewhere that had meaning to both of you

He took you to the theme park where you had your first date and proposed on the ferris wheel

The people next to you on the wheel started clapping


He proposed to you on a normal walk to feed the ducks

He only did that because the idea of a grand proposal scared him

A duck came to interrupt the moment, but it was still sweet


He hung up balloons that spelt out "Will you marry me?"

Waited for you to get home nervously

He will never forget the look on your face when you walked in


Made you a box of cupcakes, each with a different letter iced on top to propose

He handed it to you, waited for you to react and then dropped to one knee

And you both got to share the cupcakes as well


He planned it out for weeks

And then ended up accidentally proposing a day before he planned to

You said yes, but he almost kicked himself for being so stupid


He made it too obvious so you worked out he was going to propose

But you kept up the surprised façade when he went down on one knee during a date

He doesn't have to know...


Pretended to have you help in a Mr Beast video

He sent you on a "scavenger hunt"

And when you entered the final room, he was waiting with a ring


He handed you a book and told you to read it

It was a journal of all the times whenever he was reminded that you were for him

After you finished the book (already in tears), he was on one knee


Hid the ring in a bouquet and gave it to you

The ring box and the ring itself matched the flowers

You couldn't say yes any faster


She proposed while dancing to silly songs with you

She secretly changed the playlist, and when you asked why it suddenly changed to wedding songs, she got down on one knee

You had a great soundtrack while crying of happiness


Made you breakfast in bed

When you asked for the occasion, it took him a few minutes to actually answer

Managed to propose, and you said yes before sharing the croissants


He wanted a relatively quiet proposal

Took you to a private restaurant on a "normal date"

And then proposed during dessert (he tried to make a speech but got too choked up)


They took you to the park that you two usually had picnics

But in the picnic basket, instead of food, there was a ring box placed on top of flowers

You almost dropped the ring in your excitement


He proposed while watching your favourite movie

You were invested until you realised he wasn't sitting next to you anymore

He was in front of you instead, holding a ring


Made you solve a puzzle by pretending he was struggling

The answer turned out to be "Will you marry me?"

It dawned on you when he brought out a ring box

(A/N-writing this was weird considering I'm actually not that big on the idea of marriage lmao...but it was fun, i hope you enjoyed! <3)

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