When you shoplift

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Requested by Leader_Senpai pls enjoy! <3


Asks why you even do it when he can buy anything you want

He's genuinely confused

You know it's not the same, but you accept his offer just because he looks so happy to be able to spoil you


Accidentally almost makes you get caught

He reacts so badly to realising that you're stealing that the security start to get suspicious

And you can't even get mad at him for it since technically he's doing the right thing


He catches you emptying your pockets

He's secretly impressed, but he pretends to be disapproving

He just doesn't want you to end up in prison (even though you're too good to be caught)


"Y/N how did you even-you better not do it again!"

You feel a little guilty, and he makes you feel bad enough to ruin the adrenaline rush

It doesn't seem as appealing after that (and he's upset about it, so you don't want to hurt his feelings)


Asks for tips

Look, he's definitely not encouraging it, but if you were to shoplift in front of him, he wouldn't snitch

Lowkey impressed


He tries to not encourage it

But...the rewards are too tempting

Tells you off while literally eating the sweets you shoplifted


He's upset with you

But then you hand over a keyring you shoplifted for him and he almost forgets it all



He's tempted to join in with you

Instead, he acts responsible and scolds you a bit

But he still secretly really, really wants to see what it's like (and he'd be down to shoplift with you)


You apologise before she can even say anything

She promises that she's not mad

But if you shoplift again, you will be banned from cuddles


She thinks it's weirdly badass

Watched you shoplift in the shop with a smirk on her face

Gives you a gentle smack on the head before telling you not to do that


He just doesn't realise

You come home with way more than you actually paid for and he gets very confused

"...was there a sale or something?"


Starts reading out the jail sentences for shoplifting

You just say, "That only happens when you get caught."

But it still unnerves you a little bit (and he does mean well...)


They confiscate the stuff you stole

Feels a little bit bad, but they're trying to do the right thing, they really are

Cuddles you to say sorry, even though they aren't in the wrong


He asks you to shoplift something as a joke

And then is somehow surprised when it appears on his desk the next day

Reminds you that it was a joke and to not steal, or he'll eat all your snacks


Doesn't quite know how to react

Decides to gently remind you of the consequences

He's so nice about it that you start to feel really bad

(A/N-as someone who literally used to shoplift, pls don't start, it's really not worth it :) stay safe and don't be a criminal <3)

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