When you say no to cuddles

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Requested by KnightTimeNow i hope you enjoy!! <333


Asks what he did wrong immediately

He's convinced he did something wrong

Starts listing everything he did that day, trying to figure out what happened

You have to tell him to stop after ten minutes


Stares at you for a few seconds, completely confused

"You literally never say no to cuddles, wHAT THE F-"

Acts offended

But he does eventually wait patiently for you to ask for cuddles


Flips you off before immediately apologising

Throws you a pack of your favourite sweets as an apology

It works, you were just hangry

He cuddles you after and steals a few sweets while he's at it


Asks what he's done wrong

Offers to make you food as an apology

You really can't say no to him after that

He practically jumps to cuddle you when you say he can


Maybe, just maybe, you might've told him to "Fuck off and leave me alone."

He did not accept that

Picks you up and tells you to stop being a dickhead

Carries you to somewhere comfy so you two can cuddle


Holds a hand to his heart and pretends that he's physically wounded

When that doesn't work, he just gets offended

Every time you speak to him, he refuses to answer

Smiles so wide when you finally snuggle up to him


He's in genuine shock

Holds onto your hand instead

He holds it up to his face and rests on it, making sad eyes at you

You honestly can't help but give in


Sits down next to you and patiently waits

Drops subtle hints every now and then that you should cuddle him

It works...somehow

He gets very smug about it all


Cuddles a pillow or teddy instead

But makes sure to loudly talk about how much better cuddling you would be

Stares pointedly at you while saying that

You replace the pillow or teddy pretty quickly


She climbs into your arms anyway

And you can't escape her

Tickles you if you try to leave

She laughs loudly throughout the entire thing


Rests his head on your shoulder

Falls asleep pretty much immediately

His head ends up falling into your lap

You play with his hair and kiss his head instead of cuddling


His hand reaches out for yours

He doesn't say anything, but you can tell he's upset

You begrudgingly let him cuddle you

And you don't regret it (he looks so happy when you tell him he can cuddle you)


They feed you food instead

Talks excitedly about the new pastries they made

But, they slowly move closer and closer, until you're in their arms without realising

By the time you notice, it's too late-but you don't really mind


Leaves the room and asks you to come join when you're ready for cuddles

But then he walks back in five minutes later

Pulls you into his lap

You can only sigh and call him a simp

(A/N-wasn't going to update but then i got validated on insta + got a parcel in the mail so my mood just got sm better LMAO i hope you guys enjoyed <33 only one chapter for today, sorry :))

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