Baking with them

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You both have to follow the instructions carefully

He's very impatient and waits in front of the oven, urging the cookies to bake faster

You ice Dream onto each one


Do either of you know what you're doing? No.

Are you going to try anyway? Yes.

It's a 50/50 chance on whether the product at the end is edible or not, but at least you tried


You vaguely follow the recipe

Sure, you were meant to be making chocolate chip cupcakes and you ended up with a vanilla sponge cake, but that doesn't matter

It tastes good, so that's all that matters


He's very good at baking and takes the lead

The product always tastes nice

You honestly just mess around a lot while he does the actual baking


Does the least amount of work possible

And eats absolutely everything he can (the chocolate chips, the cocoa powder, the cookie dough, etc)

He still manages to eat the most cookies, even after all that


A lot of mess

He is covered in icing by the end of it, and you don't even know how

At least the cake tastes good


He leaves most of the baking to you, but he really wants to help

Enjoys icing the cookies the most

Spends ages trying to make them look nice and write messages to you


Almost causes a fire

You have to keep him well away from the stove and the oven

He's content with just getting to eat the final product


You two end up getting a bit carried away

By the end of the day, you have: cookies, cakes, cupcakes, muffins, bread, soufflé pancakes, and so on

You're not quite sure how you'll manage to eat everything


You let her mix everything because she puts her heart and soul into it

You have never seen such well-mixed cake batter

She brags about how great she did while eating it


Almost puts salt in the mixture instead of sugar

You lecture him about reading labels...only to see him almost put soy sauce into your batter

He is kept out of the kitchen after that


Follows the recipe strictly, even if you could have a little leeway

"Techno, there's no need to measure a pinch of salt-" "I have to get the right amount."

It takes way longer than it needs to


They outshine you considerably in the kitchen

You just sneak a couple of snacks and let them take charge

They feel very proud while watching you eat their stuff


A little bit too loose in following the recipe

"Uh, the recipe says a teaspoon, that looks like-" "You have to follow your heart in baking, not a recipe."

Maybe your cupcakes taste a little too vanilla-y, but that's fine


Drops the butter on the floor

You make him go and buy some new butter, even after his suggestion of just using it anyway

You are not eating floor butter

(A/N-i have just been informed that some ppl on wattpad write stories on their i salute you honestly cause i could never LMAO)

mcyt oneshots and preferences 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora