When your sleeping pattern is bad

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Requested by KayKayHello i hope you enjoy! 


He doesn't show that he's concerned about your sleeping habits, but he really is

Tells you to sit on his lap so you can watch him speedrun

You are asleep within seconds


He genuinely thinks you're being just as chaotic as he is just because

And then he gets confused when you start to crash

Bans you from coffee and energy drinks so you SLEEP


Notices that you're not sleeping and devises a plan

Asks to watch a documentary on post offices with you-which is boring, and will lull you to sleep

It works, but now he's weirdly interested in the ins and outs of postage


He makes a "sleep well" kit

It's got a blanket, a plushie, some hot chocolate and a bath bomb infused with lavender

And he's willing to cuddle you to sleep as well


Tells you to sleep cause you being tired is annoying

When you refuse to listen, he picks you up and throws you into bed

You fall asleep within seconds in his arms


He gets more and more concerned over time and then jokes about you maybe not sleeping enough

And then he realises his joke is actually true

Laughs at you for a bit, before asking you to sleep so he can have a sort-of-normal Y/N back


Cuddles you and won't let go

But then he falls asleep so he'd not exactly trapping you into sleeping

It feels too mean to just leave though, so you stay


You both just...go absolutely insane

He pretty much encourages you to stay awake and make your sleeping pattern worse

You fall asleep mid-rant about the moon landing


She very calmly tells you that yes, you're making complete sense but maybe you should sleep

You listen, of course

She even tucks you in with a plushie


She yells at you to get the fuck to sleep

The reason why she yelled was because you dropped a bunch of forks while sleepily trying to make pasta

You listen to her, obviously, and go to sleep


He is just very concerned

"Y/N...pokemon aren't real, I think you really need to sleep-"

He's so happy when you finally fall asleep, after he spends hours cuddling you


He stays up with you

At this point, both of your sleeping schedules are absolutely awful

You both end up falling asleep playing minecraft, too exhausted to stay awake


They pick you up and place you into bed

"No, stop trying to escape and just sleep!"

You just drag them into bed as well, and they have no choice but to nap with you


He promises to look after your animal crossing world if you just go to bed

And he does-even sells your turnips for a great price!

It's worth it to see you finally energetic again


Tells you to stay completely still and close your eyes for a minute

You see it as a challenge to stay awake...and then you lose

He picks you up and takes you to bed

(A/N- i wrote this while having at least 8 hours of sleep every single day...i feel like an outlier in this community LMAO anyway ily all <33)

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